Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Dominique's POV
I woke up this morning still distressed, exhausted, and upset. Why? Because I had an argument with my best friend and he drives me crazy, and I'm pretty sure girls can agree with me on boys being annoying. As I was still processing the things that happened last night with him and I,
I got my clothes ready to take a shower.

I finished getting dressed and went down stairs to see my mom making my favorite breakfast: pancakes, bacon, eggs, and French toast. "Morning mom" I said " Morning sweetie" she said sounding concerned "um mom, are you ok this morning" I said with a concerned look as well " yeah I'm fine, I'm just thinking about you that's all" she said " why did I do something wrong" I said " no" she said with a chuckle " I just was wondering" she paused " why didn't you tell me that you and Ray had a fight last night, I mean after all he is your boy" I cut her off "mom, he's not my boyfriend ok so can you stop calling him that please" I said in frustration and took my plate to the table, sat down and ate quietly.

"Listen sweetie, I didn't mean to upset you ok, I'm just worried about you that's all" she said " Its ok, I didn't mean to yell" she stood there for a minute and then kissed me on the forehead and was about to leave but I stopped her. "Mom wait, how did you know me and Ray had a fight?"I asked out of curiosity "Nicole told me" she said looking back at me packing her things on the way to work "oh ok" and with that she left. I finished eating and put my plate in the sink, got my bag and keys and headed out the door.
Man, I am not looking forward to this day...

Thin lines between love and hateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant