Chapter 24

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Dominique's POV:
After my conversation with Jessica I decided to relax and just settle for me time. I got back to my dorm and took a nice long hot shower, Jessica has really been through a lot. After my shower I went to my room and laid down and started to drift off to sleep, but I got a text from Ray instead.

Text convo
Ray: hey
Me: hi
Ray: how did everything with Jessica go?
Me: it went by good, she's been through a lot though
Ray: well I'm glad you decided to talk to her and put your differences aside. I'm very proud of you baby
Me: thank you😊I'm proud of me too
Ray: I'm sure you are and I don't know about you, but I'm getting tired
Me: yeah me too, it's been a long day for the both of us. Goodnight baby
Ray: night 😘

Text convo over

After I texted Ray I went to sleep wondering what the next day ahead would bring.

The next Day
Jessica's POV:
After having a talk with Dominique yesterday, I decided to go visit my mother, seeing that I haven't talked to her in a while. I took my shower, got dressed, ate breakfast, gathered my things and headed to her house. She's always had a busy schedule so I just hope she up to see me.

At her house
When I got to the house, it was already 5:30, but that was ok because I always admired how it looked when the sun was going down.

At her house When I got to the house, it was already 5:30, but that was ok because I always admired how it looked when the sun was going down

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When I got to the door I ringed the door bell. "Hi Jessica" she said "hey mom" I said giving her a hug "I missed you so much baby" she said sounding like she was about to cry "I missed you too momma" I replied back to her as we made our way to the couch "so what brings you by today" she said "what, I can't come visit my mother" I said sarcastically "you can, but I prefer that you call before coming by unannounced, at least so I can get dressed in real clothes" she said as we both let out a laugh, but mother had stopped as if something had been bothering her "mom, what's wrong" I said crossing my arms, she took a deep breath "there's something I have to tell and you are not going like it."

Thin lines between love and hateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant