Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:
Dominique's POV:
I was standing at the bus getting a little annoyed on why the bus is always late almost every day " I wish this bus would hurry up already" I said aloud at low whisper to myself and then all of a sudden at the corner of eye I see to people walking towards me and I look to see and Ray and Dierra and she has some type of joker grin on her and when I say grin I mean straight up crazy grin " hey Dominique" she said "hey" I said back not even bothering to say anything to Ray. This was an awkward moment.

Ray POV:
As I'm walking to the bus stop I see Dominique and even though we aren't on speaking terms right now she looked so cute but I kept that to myself acting like I didn't care about one thing she said, even though I did because deep down inside I loved her, but I just didn't know how to tell her. Me and Dierra got to the stop and she was talking to Dominique and I kinda stood off to the side minding my business. I really hope this day goes by fast and well and so things between me and Dominique can go back to being a "normal couple" as what we are supposed to be called because that's what people call, even our own parents and it's really annoying because it's a flirty relationship, that's all. I was soon snapped out of my thought when the bus finally decided to show up.

Wish me the best of luck, I'm going to need it...

Thin lines between love and hateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant