After The Rain

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7/04/07 Late Night

“Minako… You’ve probably grown so big since I’ve been gone. I haven’t been a very good onii-chan.” I said to myself as I walked into the antique shop quietly. I walked into the bedroom. No okaa-san… just my lovely imoto. I gently kissed her on the forehead as she slept. She didn’t stir. But of course, she was always a heavy sleeper. I settled my bag down at the end of my old bed and took off my leather jacket. I let down my dark blue hair which was tied up in a small ponytail.

I lay down on the bed, knowing I was finally back home, and my lovely imoto was safe. I smiled to myself as I drifted off to sleep. That night, there were no dreams of anything, but being back with my imoto, Minako.

8/04/07 Morning

I woke up early and started on breakfast after I walked into the kitchen. Her favourite is… French toast. I thought to myself as I gingerly placed the bread in beaten egg.  She was waking up, I could feel it. To be sure, I heard shuffling footsteps coming from the corridor. She looked around the corner, trying to figure out what was cooking. She sniffed around several times before her sleepy face turned into an expression of happiness.

“Onii…chan?” She wandered into the kitchen. Her eyes almost started filling with tears. “O-onii-chan!” She flew into me with a huge hug. I couldn’t help but smile knowing we were together again; finally. Good thing I wasn’t holding the pan. “I’m so sorry, Minako. I won’t leave you, ever again.” My chest began to feel warm from her tears. “Don’t you dare, stupid onii-chan!” Despite the slight insult, she was still busy smiling and wiping away her tears. “Why don’t you go sit down?”

 She nodded, and went to the table. I turned the stove off, and started sprinkling a little icing sugar on the pieces of toast. “Here you go.” I put the plates on the table. “Onii-chan… You remembered what my favourite breakfast food…” I smiled. “I wouldn’t forget. Ever.”

“Onii-chan…” Minako’s face turned sour as she looked at me. “Okaa-san’s gone…” I would’ve just dropped everything that I was holding in my hands. But I kept strong. “I’m here now. I’m so sorry…” I felt a stinging pain in my cheek. It was a slap. “Baka onii-chan! You don’t have to apologise. You’re here now. That’s what matters.” I smiled at Minako. “That’s my lovely imoto.”


I decided since I knew I was coming back in a few weeks, I would start high school. At Gekkoukan. My old parent’s school. And before you ask, I’m not losing the ponytail. No. I won’t. I took Minako for a race to her school first, and hey! I won! Yay! “Onii-chan is coolest of the cool.” She applauded me as she came just a few seconds behind me. “I’ll see ya later, Minako. Say hi to Junpei and Yukari for me. And anyone else who asks why you’re so damn chipper!” She giggled and waved me off as I bolted to Gekkoukan. Freaking easy scholarship test it was. I grinned as I ran through the school gates. I spotted a few familiar faces when I looked over at the notice board. Aki, Shinji and… Mitsuru…! I discreetly watched out for my name on the list, and there we go. “1-F…” I mumbled to myself. I nodded and bolted to the auditorium.

A few minutes later, two of the familiar faces went up to greet me. “Minato!?” Aki shouted out. “Dude! Where have you been!?” He slapped me on the back. “I’ve been around… Hey Shinji!” The brunette turned towards me. “Hey, Minato.” He smiled, and joined our conversation about what has happened in a two year gap.

“No kidding? You’re gonna join the boxing team? Well, you better not let us down, Aki.” I teased.

“Hell yeah!” I fist bumped the boxing obsessed silverette. “Shinji! You planning on joining any clubs?”

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