Beginning the Start

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30/01/10 Dark Hour

"Whatcha doing here?" Minako dropped her microphone into the stand and went over to meet me. "I was just thinking of practising a bit, but since you're here I wanted to ask something." She nodded with a bright smile and motioned for me to continue. "Who are you bringing for training today?" She pulled a smirk as she realised what I was doing. "I'm planning to bring the people who didn't train yesterday. You're planning to test them again?" I nodded. "Ok. Then... The arrangement will be with Yukari as the leader. I'm planning to watch, since you already tested me, onii-chan." She winked and left the Concert Hall after we came to our agreement.

The electric guitar and microphone were nowhere to be seen, and a gold lyre replaced them. I picked it up, and started playing on it 'Romeo and Cinderella' on it. I don't particularly care for the lyrics, but... Ok we all know that's a lie. I chuckled to myself as I set the harp down and headed for the floor of Monad that the team was training on now. With a snap of my fingers I landed down in the Thebel Block lookalike, and observed the shocked faces that the members were donning.

"Hello." I waved and Minako smirked. "It's going to be the same as before?" I nodded, and teleported down to the basement. After a few minutes, the team that included Yukari, Junpei, Koromaru and Aigis appeared, with Minako following after them. "Are you ready?"

Minako looked to the team who shot her determined looks and she gave me a thumbs up. "Ok." I drew Mukou Mugen from a pocket dimension and charged towards the team intending to test their speed. I began to swing to the melody of the Vocaloid song 'Remote Control.' Aigis readily began to dodge out of the way, and Koromaru was jumping all over the place. Speedy dog.

Junpei wasn't supposed to be the fast type, so he settled on blocking my swings almost pushing me back. Impressive that. Yukari was trying something different though, and it was unlike anything I had seen. A Garudyne spell was beginning to form around her, probably as a counter to my speed. Coolness.

Vitality. I summoned Kazuya and Deity again, this time firing off a Freildyne that blasted everyone to the ground when the Nuclear energy washed over them. Kazuya began with his onslaught, attacking with multiple Vorpal Sword attacks bringing most members to their knees leaving only Aigis and Junpei standing. But they weren't at least seriously injured. Ok then. Aigis and Junpei charged towards me, the robot using her Persona to throw a God's Hand at me, while Junpei used fire manipulation with his new Persona to trap me.

"Omega Cluster!" The dark energy blew them back, and I readied a Megidoladyne to fall upon them. The feathers made contact with their trembling bodies, but thankfully the fight wasn't over yet as Yukari, Junpei and Koromaru began a combination spell. Yellow and blue Agidynes combined, being empowered by the wind that Yukari was feeding it. I channelled a Makarakarn down my fist, and punched the powerful Fire spell back. Junpei jumped in front, having an edge against Fire attacks, and cut the fire in half with a powerful slash attack on his part. I dodged the incoming slash attack, and pulled my revolvers out to fire off Aquary Tide attacks at them. Junpei didn't anticipate this, and was hit brutally by the Water attack.

It was at this time that Aigis also activated a Marakukaja to increase everyone's defences, making it so Junpei wasn't hit with the full effects of it. If he was, I think he would have been knocked out, and out of the battle for a good while. Props to you white maiden, I grinned to myself.

"Nova Kaiser!" Of course, because of this defence boost, it wasn't as strong as it could be, but it was enough to knock them down for a bit. Koromaru in particular was very affected by it, seeing as was weak against Light.

Aigis came charging to me straight after, hitting me with a Tarunda. I cursed under my breath, and she began to pepper bullets on me. I settled on dodging them, the remaining ones being cut open by my sword strikes. Again Yukari and Koromaru tried that combination again, but Junpei instead was throwing Deathbound attacks at me willy-nilly.

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