Taking Blame and Gaining Names

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08/05/09 Dark Hour

“So… what are you planning?” I asked Minato as he approached the stairs that led up into the labyrinth. “Well… after that encounter with the ‘Reaper’ a few days ago we started picking up the pace. But I decided I had to go back down to the lower floors because of her… odd… requests…” I nodded. “Cool, ‘cause I feel like coming with this time.” His eyebrow rose a little from this, but there was no further reaction. Do you have no faith in me good sir?

“I see…” I relayed that I wanted to go up the tower with them this time to Mitsuru who obliged and let me go up with them. “Well then, we better get going. I’m looking for a sword called the Juzumaru…” Oh that. That sword was evil to get the first time. Stupid low encounter rate dungeon spawns.

I kept to the back as much as possible, while the team members continued pummelling the Shadows that came our way without much difficulty. “Erm, I hate to ask Minato-san… But why are we on the lower floors this time?” Yukari asked. That is a good question. If you do not answer in the next five seconds I’m answering for you. “Well, what I’m looking for can only be found here and apparently it can be sold for quite a bit of money. It could help keep our stores stocked up for a while…” Great job Minato. Yukari nodded in understanding, and caused a great amount of Pierce damage to an incoming Shadow without much effort.

What about you Junpei? A bead of sweat rolled its way down the side of my face in embarrassment as the capped teen was overpowered by a bunch of black blobs that I obviously didn’t care enough about to scan. Hmm… So do I leave this to Minato, or do I step in and look like a badass?

But honestly, I was surprised by the cobalt-haired boy’s apparent prowess with his sword without joining the Kendo club. I really have to wonder how, though it wasn’t really important. He settled for joining the track team instead. Swimming was always a no go for me, since well… You got wet. And I hate drying off afterwards. It always takes way too freaking long to dry off for my taste. And the icky ground that’s covered in water and hair and… My toes started to curl up as I thought about all the bad things that you found at a swimming pool. Oh… the horror… I’m making myself delusional now, aren’t I?

But I’m seriously wondering now. It’s not a bad thing by any means, but extremely curious. His sword strikes were that of a text book, solid. Too bad there was not much variety when you only have that. Hm… Gold treasure box… Ah right. Junpei. Thankfully our fearless leader jumped into the fray and took out most of the Shadows that were ganging up on the capped teen, leaving Yukari to clean up the rest.

“Hey. Minato.” I pointed to the box that was sitting ever so innocently in a small alcove, and let him check it. He shook the box several times before opening it, and the prized Juzumaru katana waited inside. Wait! Gold Shadow, Gold Shadow, GOLD SHADOW!!!

I pounced on the unsuspecting gold hand and scuffled with it for a while before punching its lights out into the ground. Once it dissipated, what were left of it were a black sword and a bag of money. “Uh, Makoto-senpai? What were you doing?” Yukari asked as I stood up and dusted myself off. “This.” I presented the bag of yen and the black sword to her. She nodded at the wad of yen but looked at the Weapon very quizzically. “Oh this? This is part of what I used for Makoto’s sword.” She ‘ohhed’ in realisation and nodded.

“Incoming Shadow, Makoto-san!”

I turned around to find this huge dancer thing, to which I responded with a swipe of Mukou. To my surprise, it was sent out of the building of Tartarus before it turned to black and red mist. OP much? I rubbed the back of my head with my free hand after sheathing my crystal sword just as quickly. “What?”

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