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“Looks like we’re finally here.” I glanced around my surroundings, and it was actually kinda pretty, seeing all the rising buildings that seemed to so mark this city. Right. I have to find Black Frost. If he’s the head of this place, he must have been working hard on it, considering how intricate and dare I say, civilised the place looked.

I summoned Thanatos, and took to the skies so that I could get a better grasp of the city, looking out for any particularly conspicuous buildings. It was just a few minutes after I did this, did I find a striking, and wide building. I beckoned the god of death to dive down into the plaza that I was spying in front of the structure.

Without much fuss, I jumped off his back and recalled him to the recesses of my mind. To be sure, the building in front looked kinda like a Parthenon and was grand in scale. The structure appeared to be made from polished white marble, and some of equally white tiles on the floor were covered with a generously blue mat that led into the entrance to the building.

I breathed slowly out, and steeled myself for whatever challenge as I went in. The inside possessed the same grandeur as the outside. There were passages to many doors, and I probably would have gotten lost if not for the dark coloured Jack Frost that emerged from the biggest doors. “You must be Minato.” Black Frost grinned mischievously and flicked his cape. “You must be Black Frost I presume.”

The darkened Jack Frost nodded, still donning his wide as hell smile. “Yes. Well… You’re probably used to all the fights that were given to you before?” I nodded, wondering where he was going with this. “I have no interest in procuring myself some bruises here, when I can give you a different challenge.” My eyebrow arched at that. I waved my hand waiting for his explanation, and he chuckled at that. “I see you’re a smart one. I’ll give you a psychological battle.” I had to stop myself from flinching at his words.

“A god can’t only have brawn on his side. You know that.” Black Frost nodded to himself as I agreed. “That’s why most of the gods in this world are not only powerful in bulk, but in a mental sense as well.” Black Frost sighed as if he remembering something unpleasant. “When can we start?” I asked curiously.

“Right now. I’ll ask some questions, and you have to try and give an answer. I’ll see whether they hold enough water.” I nodded, cautiously.

“What is the answer to life?” Black Frost grinned knowing that I had been caught off guard by that out there question, to which I didn’t have much of an answer to myself.

Dammit. Well…

I guess I have a few.

“My answer to life…” I looked down at the ground. “… I have to protect everyone, even at the cost of my life.” I looked at Black Frost, who had a serious face on, contrasting the playful smile he was giving me earlier. “I see…”

He folded his arms. “What is justice?”

I flinched again, and I could see he knew that this was a question that I would have trouble answering too.

But, I don’t have a sense of justice like everyone else. I wouldn’t know how to answer that. Justice is contradictory. It is, and there is no denying it.

The end justifies the means? What about if you have to kill people to get to your goal? How many people would be hurt if you went through with the plan?

Want to get through to a problem with a peaceful means? What if you can’t achieve that goal without getting your hands dirty?

“Justice is one big contradiction and there’s no going around that. There is no such thing as justice, but what you think is right.”

Persona 3: Never To LeaveWhere stories live. Discover now