Thou Art I, I Art Thou

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17/08/09 Morning

While I was drying my hair with my towel, I got some calls from my friends. A lot of them. From Bebe, Kaz, Rio, Saori and even Miss Toriumi. Now that was surprising. They invited me to go with them to the film festival that’s being held. Awesome.


Hm. Since when did they have an all-genre run through? “Ohayo!” I heard the distinct French accent. It was Bebe. “Hey there, Bebe.” He was casually fanning himself like usual, like always. “It’s good to see you Minato-sama!” If this was an anime, I would be sweat dropping. “Bebe, you don’t have to call me that…” I rubbed the back of my head. “But I must, since you were my first tomodachi!”

“If you really want to.” I sighed a little.

“Yo man!” It was Kaz. “Hey there.” I replied back. “Good to see ya.” I briefly wondered whether there were even going to be sport related movies at that moment. “Hello Minato-senpai!” Rio called out next. “How are you Rio?” She wiped off a bit of sweat from her forehead. “I’ve been good. Been keeping up with sport.”

“I see you have been.” I grinned.

“Ah, hello…” Saori had a soft smile on. “Hey, it’s nice to see you Saori.” You know, now that I think about it… I never really figured out what she liked. She wasn’t really the open type but… Ah. There’ll be something in there that she’ll like, I’m sure. “Heelloooo Minatooo!” And then, the surprise came too. “Ah, Toriumi-sensei. You’ve been ok?” She had a bright smile on that I never saw on her last year. Wonder if it’s because of that Maya and Tatsuya incident… “Yup. Now kiddies, let’s go and watch some movies!” Everyone except for Bebe looked at her a bit sceptically, but smiled afterwards. Bebe… well, he’s always smiling.

First up was a drama, and it’s safe to say that Bebe and Saori were absolutely enthralled by the whole thing. The emotions were portrayed well, but that was why Bebe almost started crying like Lee and Gai from Naruto. At least Saori managed to control her emotions.

Next was a sports movie, which was filled with determination and drama, surprisingly. Needless to say, Kaz and Rio liked it, but probably would have been a lot more excited if it wasn’t about football. Or soccer. Eh… whichever one. I never really understood the difference.

After that, Toriumi-sensei was very excited by the fantasy adventure movie, which I enjoyed too. A good adventure is always nice. Though, I couldn’t tell whether my former sensei liked it for the adventure aspect and suspense rather than the cool looking characters. Either is a viable option.

Last was ‘Journey Into Tartarus.’ During that movie, the tugging I felt around my heart could have made me have a heart attack, I swear. Not only because it was sad and romantic, but for the simple reason that I could relate. Orpheus and Eurydice. I’m Orpheus, and Minako is Eurydice. I shook my head out of those thoughts. My shoulders were shuddering slightly as I thought about how similar this story was to the fact that I was climbing a tower called Tartarus. Even if it isn’t the real thing, certainly feels like it.

We left, and discussed the movies at the Iwatodai strip mall at the sweet shop much to Toriumi-sensei and Bebe’s insistence.

“So how’d you all like the first movie?” Rio asked me. “Oh, it was simply heart-wrenching, and the characters portrayed the emotion so well…” Bebe complimented. Saori giggled. “Same was Bebe-san, but I liked it more because I felt I could relate to the friendships between the characters.” And if I can bet anything, they’re both thinking about me.

Thou art I, and I am thou…

Thou hast broken through the ranks...

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