New and Newer Things

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20/06/09 Dark Hour

Smiling awkwardly as Akihiko and Shinjiro stare at me… Yup. Can I go into a self-induced fainting session? No. Sho cold Nyxie-chan… Nyxie…chan…? I think you’ve gone loopy since the soundwaves are destroying more of your brain cells. I hope not. I’ve already called myself an idiot. And… We’re back to our usual program ladies and gentlemen to the viewing of making Minato go crazy by speaking drabbles in his head. That’s your true intention!? Noooo!

You know I’m joking you moron. First idiot, now moron huh? “Maybe you should take a nap like he suggested.” Shinjiro pointed to the silver-haired boxer. “Wake me up when Minato and company come back.” Now, I have to curl up into a ball and fall over to my side. I don’t care what this looks like.

Now, I think I know who said that to you earlier. Which one was it? I think it was Kronus, the titan of time. E-eh? Are you serious? What the heck would he want from me? I don’t really know Minato, but… one thing is for sure. As soon as you think you can open up the Monad Block for your friends… You’re going to be in for a fight. That’s the only thing I can think of. Fighting… A titan… Considering that Zeus wasn’t able to kill these guys and instead threw them into Tartarus… Yes. Those Titans are immortal. You can’t kill them. But… I dunno. Are you sure I can’t kill them?

… I’m honestly not sure Minato. I would find it highly unlikely for you to be able to kill them, but considering what power you wield and the possibilities open to you… I wouldn’t say it’s impossible. Not yet. Thanks for the vote of confidence there. That’s what I’m here for.  Say, I’m not one to look the gift horse in the mouth, but why are you becoming so helpful all of a sudden?

I wonder that myself. I have no idea as of yet. Well, let me just tell you that I appreciate it so far. Ok… And just so you know. Never. Call. Me. Nyxie-chan. Again. Fine. It was funny for a little while.  No it wasn’t, you nimrod. Love you too. “Hey, dude. Wake up.” Akihiko demanded as he shook me. “Best. Nap. Ever.” I stood up and followed everyone out. “You are one weird guy…” Shinjiro commented.

“I aim to please.” My mouth upturned into a smirk.

23/06/09 Dark Hour

Reaper time.

“Yo.” Minato stopped dead in his tracks. “What are you doing here?” I chuckled at his defensiveness. Hell, I don’t even know why he’s acting like this. “I just came to give you something since you’ve gotten this far into Adamah. Here ya go.” The cold black key that led into Monad floated out of my hand into his, spiralling gently in his palm.

“If you think you’re ready for it, let me know huh?” The bluenette nodded slightly as he turned his attention to the small key. “…I wonder why Fuuka didn’t warn us this time?” The cobalt haired leader mused.

I’m guessing that she doesn’t deem me as dangerous since that incident. Yay! I’m not dangerous. Take that Mitzy! I think you’re getting way too excited. In my opinion anyway. Gee, thanks. “What’s he doing here?” Yukari asked cautiously. “Madam you wound me. I just came to give my friend something.” She nodded as if she didn’t believe me. The deadpan expression said it all.

“Don’t believe me, ask the man himself.” Yukari turned to Minato with a sceptic look. “He’s not lying. Besides…” Minato turned to me with a slightly sardonic expression. “What reason would he have to lie to us anyway?” That… that struck a chord. “…Fine. Apparently I’m not appreciated here.” I returned his look with a slightly pouty guise.

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