Playing With Destruction

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Early Morning

I should not be awake right now.  I sighed heavily and stared up at the blue ceiling which cast that shade of melancholy blue by the night that was pouring in through the windows. I couldn’t get to sleep. I was tired, but I couldn’t get to sleep. Why?

I was only lying idly in my bed, waiting for Hypnos’ clutches to drag me into the realm of sleep. Sweet, sweet sleep… My eyelids were heavy with fatigue but every time that I tried to close them completely, they just wouldn’t move anymore and left me with a half-lidded look as they fluttered open again. It was an endless cycle, as if something within me just wasn’t going to let me drift into a deep slumber.

I rolled over to my side to face the wall instead, trying to avoid the moon’s pale gaze and hoping that maybe a change of position would let me go off to sleep quicker. I already knew that it was futile though. By the fact that all the other times I had tried tonight, I still hadn’t slept.

I didn’t even know why I was like this.

Thanatos, I just want to sleep… I don’t really care how at this point. A sigh in my mind and a pulling feeling on my arm later, I was back in my mindscape. “Oh… hey.” I smiled slightly.

“Hey.” Nyx replied, a worried look crossing her face.

“What’s with that face?” I asked, tracing her cheek.

“It’s nothing. I just want you to get some sleep, that’s all.” She sighed, starting to bring my head to her lap.

Maybe I was just caught up in what was happening lately a lot more than usual… It wouldn’t be the first time.

Early Morning

Yakushima… I kept a steady pace as I walked along the shoreline of the beach with the froth and foam licking at the sides of my feet, looking around the dawn-filled sky. There were even still a few while pin pricks of light piercing through the amber curtain that was the sky up above.

It was still a bit cold out so I was wearing my hoodie, and I walked the same way that I did through a dank alley; my shoulders hunched and when I wasn’t looking at the sky, my head low. I had been keeping a relatively slow pace, slow enough that a majority of my footsteps were already washed away by the sea as the depressions were filled by the sand that came in on the waves.

I headed towards the wooden boardwalk which was dusted lightly with a sprinkling of sand, and the support was covered with sea water. I sat down at the edge of the boardwalk, my feet brushing against the surface of the cold water.

I stared down at the water, watching the waves distort my reflection. I felt a presence approach from behind me. I knew who it was… Since I had been walking to this spot other than a reason to relax.

“Aigis…” I whispered to myself, turning my head to meet her amazingly blue gaze.

Within a few seconds I could feel her arms around me. “My highest priority… is to be with you!”

But I didn’t have anything to say. There was nothing to say. Nothing but stay and think. But still I replied. “What’s your name?”

“My name is Aigis.” She didn’t say the rest of her model or the generation she came from or whatever. I guess it’s the Universe affecting her and melting away the inhumanity.

“Nice name. My name’s Minato.” I introduced myself, my feet kicking up some splashes of water as they grazed the clear surface, lit up golden by the very slight amount of sunlight.

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