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25/09/09 Dark Hour

“Guys. There’s something I want everyone to try since I think that we are now all strong enough to fight a certain someone.” Minako pricked up at my words, and she seemed to understand what I meant. Akihiko threw a grin up, and Junpei was wholly anticipating the announcement. “We are going to take out the Reaper.”

Shinjiro and Yukari’s faces paled, and Aigis was definitely surprised. Mitsuru gave a sly smile instead. “At one time, Shinjiro, Akihiko, Minato, Minako and I were able to use take out the Reaper. This is merely a test of your strength.” I heard her mumble though, that it was mostly me and Minako doing the work.

“Who’s going to go?” Yukari asked. “Ah, well… Yukari, Junpei, Koromaru and Aigis are going to go. Don’t worry too much… Minako and I are going to keep an eye on you while you guys fight.” I grinned, and everyone nodded, however reluctantly from some.

We ascended up the stairs to the Thebel block, since the Shadows there aren’t troublesome, in fact they’re weak as all hell. It’ll be easier to wait for the Reaper to appear. “Ok guys. Stay still. I can feel a strong presence coming near...” On cue, the rattling and clattering of chains announced its arrival. The hooded figure in a black and flowing trench coat with tattered ends appeared. The eerie and lone yellow eye pierced through the darkness of its face, which was roughly covered in bloodied bandages. And the revolvers... You don’t forget the revolvers.

“Hello again.” I approached the suited deity. “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Charon.” The ‘Reaper’ nodded, and spoke. “It has been a long time chosen one. Are these your friends?” I looked back at the team who was scared stiff, well, it was only Junpei and Yukari who were. I nodded as I turned back to face him. “As you wish, I will test them. Brace yourselves…” Aigis snapped to attention, and readied here guns while she circled it, peppering it with several rounds of bullets. “Do your best! I’m not leading this time.” I grinned, and Minako let out a giggle.

“You sure have a lot of confidence in them onii-chan!” She nonchalantly twirled her naginata around. “But if I didn’t this would be for nothing, wouldn’t it?”

“Marakukaja!” Aigis shouted out, and a purple haze surrounded the team.  “FYI! It resists everything!” Junpei grinned. “Fire Break!” A red haze covered the body of the Reaper, and I had to say it was a smart move on Junpei’s part. Koromaru followed up with an Agidyne that burned the Reaper slightly. It still has a lot of energy, weakness or no weakness. “Garudyne!” Yukari summoned Io, and maelstroms of quick moving air spun wildly into the Reaper, slashing at his already tattered cloak.

“Impressive strategy, capped one. But…” The suited deity cocked his guns. “This is where I get serious.” Blasts of ice shot out from the barrels to Junpei, who managed to dodge the shot, but he only jumped out of the brunt of the attack. The remaining shards of ice, he slashed away with his katana, Kusanagi. The cold, however, still remained, and it was obvious that the capped teen was getting affected by it because of one of his sub weaknesses to cold. However, wind was his main problem. “Guess that’s why Yukari is his mortal enemy.” I muttered to myself with a barely noticeable smile. Minako smiled, and I could tell from her expression that she was probably thinking the same thing.

But this was soon forgotten, as Yukari fired a Garudyne that blew the ice into a wild blizzard-like whirlwind that slashed into the Reaper. “Pink one… you did well.” I could practically see the barely contained swell of confidence that rose up in her chest. “But, this one will surely be a shocking revelation.” I could guess what the suited ferryman was about to do, and I caught the badly made pun.

The Reaper pointed the barrel of his revolver to the sky, and a bolt of wicked lightning dropped down on Yukari. Unfortunately, since lightning was one of the fastest things around here, there wasn’t much chance that she could dodge. Doubly unfortunate was the fact that she was weak to electricity. She got off with scorching shock burns, but still conscious. “Urgh… Diarahan…” A healing pulse resonated from her and her burns disappeared and her energy returned.

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