Twisted Outcomes

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For this one hour, Nyx and I were almost completely silent. It was the hour before the Promised Day. It was pretty much needless to say that the tension between us was pretty thick and hard to cut through. Not that either of us wanted to.

On the days that SEES didn’t come to Tartarus, Nyx and I were switching our times on the computer. Mostly between what would have equalled a day. When I slept, Nyx used the computer. When I used the computer, Nyx was sleeping.

I mostly spent my time watching the different Minatos from as many dimensions as I could gather. And there were a lot of them. From the Minatos that seemed to just cruise through the tower, the ones that still seemed to have a hard time even if they were powerful as all heck, the Minatos that were called Makotos instead and so much more.

The notable ones I could remember… there was this one Minato that seemed to have an easy time with casting spells and hung out with several girls. Yukari, Mitsuru, Elizabeth and some silver haired girl.

There was a Makoto that I knew of, and he had these special Social Links and seemed to have more than a difficult time with the Shadows since they seemed to be a lot more deadly than I could remember them.

There was a Minato who had someone called Hamuko with him as well, and he was really… really rude. And difficult to work with because of his violent tendancies. He only seemed to be able to calm down if Hamuko was with him.

Another Minato that stuck out in my mind was this one that always seemed to use this one attack like… ‘GIGA DRILL BREAKER!’ and then proceed to smash into the gates of Adamah and break the gate into pieces. That was fun to watch. Even with all my prowess I could never break through that gate before with brute force. Or… any of the gates for that matter.

I probably could now, but that would be a waste of time…


Anyways, besides that. I had also been talking with the incoming members as they began to join, though I always managed to keep my distance from Richard unless we were in a fight. To this day, he still hasn’t been able to beat me alone.

Junpei I had finally established a working relationship with. Mostly on the fact that he always seemed to bug me about how strong Minato was and how he could get stronger. To which I obliged. I mean, what kind of watcher would I be if I didn’t help the little ones? Hehe, little ones.

Yukari I hadn’t interacted with too much, but it was enough to say that we were friends and we could talk about things that were bothering us. Or more like I would listen to her worries and I’d reassure her since I couldn’t really tell her about mine without looking crazy.

Fuuka I had gotten along with exceptionally well. I was able to help her with scanning and finding weaknesses. Not to mention, I talked to her about different theories around Shadows. Thankfully had a few since I really did have a lot of time to think about this kind of stuff. I mean, I even came up with an out there theory for the Dark Hours origins.

Akihiko I was able to talk to about becoming stronger in general and even sparring a little. I did hold back my power though so he wouldn’t get so hurt. A good thing. In general we were good buddies that could talk about pummelling each other for fun, much to the disapproval of Mitsuru.

Speaking of Mitsuru I hadn’t attempted to get anywhere too close and intimate with her for obvious reasons. However… whenever I got the chance, I could talk to her about the Dark Hour as more things were revealed to them. She still had that cold demeanour up on her because of that, but we were good enough friends that she would cooperate with me cordially and I would do the same.

Shinjiro whom Minato saved… thankfully. He had that gruff personality of his, and he was as about as badass as I could remember him to be. Especially with the lack of influence from me. Because of that, he was still wearing his signature pea coat and perpetually wearing his beanie. I’d talk to him occasionally about Akihiko and sometimes said boxer would join in as well.

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