Pulling Triggers

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20/10/09 After School

So… did I mention that Richard did get top marks with me and Mitsuru? Mind equals blown. Besides that, Ken kept on cheering us on as we competed in some more games like Mario Kart and Mario Party. Just ‘cause. Not to mention that we ended up with a draw by the end we finished playing.

03/11/09 Full Moon, Dark Hour

So, today is the day when the happening for the Fall is sealed. To think that what we think is such a harmless thing is what is going to bring us all to destruction. Man. I just can’t believe that it’s about two months until the battle with Nyx. That moon… I chuckled to myself.

“Are you ok, Makoto-san?” Aigis was the only one in SEES who still referred to everyone with a ‘san’ honorific. Eventually we all just gave up on getting her to call us out without using the honorifics.

“Uh, yeah. I just have a lot on my mind.” I answered with a sheepish smile.

“You always say that, Makoto.” Mitsuru joked. Well… I guess that was kinda true.

“Yes, yes. We can’t all be watching Mahou Shoujo Piru-Chan in secret.” I shot back. Yes, she was a closet anime fan.

Mitsuru started blushing in embarrassment as her eyes widened. “You incorrigible...!” She muttered.

“Yes, yes. We all know how much of an idiot I am,” I threw a deadpan look at the ice queen. “It’s in my nature.”

Comparing me to when I was a kid to what I was now was actually kind of funny. I felt like I had even stronger resolves back then, and it feels like… it’s like I’m on a journey to relearn all of my motivations, with a little more knowledge from the last time. Sobering, yeah… But I would feel a lot better if I learned everything again.

One thing that has come back to me… Death is definitely not the answer. After all if your negative motives to die are part of what is fuelling humanity’s collective anguish, taking the form of a complete and utter abomination… I would not want to feel that way again.


“So, this Shadow is going to be the last one…” Yukari noted wistfully. I nodded to myself. That was right. This would be another day when I knew that Death was just on our doorstep. How pleasant…

“We have to do our best!” Fuuka encouraged. If we don’t, well… who else would protect the world from destruction?

“Then let’s beat the shit out of it!” Junpei exclaimed happily. Well… that was one way you could put it.

Shinjiro and Akihiko grinned. They were going to take this Shadow down hard.

“Minato.” I called over to the bluenette.

“Yeah?” The cobalt haired leader came up closer.

“Have you ever thought about using your Personae to fly?” I asked with a grin.

“What do you mean?” He asked curiously.

“Do you have Thanatos yet?” He nodded. Looks like he maxed that one out. That was a really good thing. “Welp, when I use Thanatos I usually use him to fly when I jump on his back. It’s pretty fun.”

Minato’s eyebrow rose. “Is that right? Ok… but why are you telling me about this?”

“Hanged man Arcana?” I asked, trying to get him to connect the dots.

“I see… it’s an airborne Shadow.” He nodded to himself.

Thank Thanatos he got that right. “Richard, are you ready to go?” I asked with a smile.

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