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A million years ago, everything was peaceful. The Titan war ended, and the humans were thriving. At this time the princess of the moon, Princess serenity, was born. A day before, the prince of the earth, Endymion was born. Also at this time, the first Demigods were born. They were made to protect the planets of their parents, and to protect the earth and silver millennium. The inner guardians, Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter; protected the princess and the silver millennium from harm. The outer guardians, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn; protected the silver millennium from afar, and protected the Galaxy from outside threats. Serenity always had her eye on the handsome and strong Endymion and soon enough, fell in love. One day while her guardians weren't looking she snuck down to earth and finally met him. Endymion instantly fell for her, she was beautiful, confident, and smart. The guardians soon found out where she went and immediately went down to earth to retrieve her. But while searching for the princess, they stumbled upon the prince's handsome guardians, Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, and Kunzite. They too, fell in love with the strong soldiers, who called themselves The Four Kings of Heaven. Though no one at the time would guess it, evil would soon come upon both kingdoms. A young sorceress named Beryl had also fallen in love with the prince, but when she noticed the moon princess around him almost daily, she became jealous of her. The young sorceress thought of a plan so evil not even the Titan lord himself could have thought of it. When Uranus and Gaia met, one of the by-products of them meeting was pure evil, who called herself Queen Metalia. Because she was so evil, Uranus and Gaia locked her in the depths of the underworld. Beryl looked through one of the oldest summoning books and found the one spell she needed to awaken Metalia. She preformed the spell and the form of evil appeared before her. "My Queen!" Beryl said, bowing, "I will forever serve you! And you will be the one to destroy the humans and the millennials!" (A.N I call the people of the Silver Millennium, millennials) "you are a smart and brave child" rasped Metalia. "You are worthy of being my disciple." "Where shall we begin on your conquering of the earth, my Queen?" Beryl asked, "I shall awaken the Titans that seek revenge on the Olympians." Metalia stated "and you shall control the prince and the four kings of heaven to do your bidding, and ultimately start a war between the Earth and the Moon!" "Excellent idea, my queen!" Beryl praised "I will begin my part in your incredible plan"
"Jadeite! Nephrite! Zoisite! Kunzite! What are you doing?!" The prince asked in shock. "We are tired of living under the millennials!" Jadeite stated.
"It is about time we show them who is who around here!" Zoisite declared. "But what about Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus?" Endymion questioned. "Who cares," Nephrite answered. "Love means nothing to us if our kingdom is being controlled by a satellite!" "Besides," Kunzite added, "our great ruler commands that we protect our kingdom." "Who are you talking about? My parents never gave an order like that!" The prince asked. "I did, princy" a females voice answered. It was the sorceress, Beryl. "Now, my Four Kings of the Dark Kingdom, lead your army to attack the moon kingdom!" "Yes, Queen Beryl!" They replied and left the hall. Endymion also left to warn the people of this silver millennium of the coming attack.
"Why would Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, and Kunzite do such a thing?" Mercury asked. "I have no idea." Endymion admitted. "All I know is that we have to prepare for war." Venus stated sadly. "But four guardians and a small army of our people won't do." Mars added. "We'll be outnumbered." "Wait a second," Jupiter said "we can ask the outer guardians for help!" "Good idea, Jupiter!" Mercury complemented. Serenity looked extremely worried and just gripped Endymion's hand. "We should take the two of you to a suspended animation Machine!" Luna, serenity's adviser stated. "I agree!" Artemis, Venus's adviser added, "it would be the best for your safety!" "What do you think, mother?" Serenity asked her mother, The moon goddess Selene. "I think the two of you should go in the machine." She advised "if I'm thinking what's causing this war, I am going to have to be awake during this whole battle." "As you wish, your highness" Luna bowed her head. "Follow me your highnesses" Luna stated as she lead serenity and Endymion to the suspended animation chambers in the chamber of prayer. "Artemis, summon the outer guardians here and explain to them what is happening." The Queen commanded as she followed after Luna to the chamber of prayer.
All 8 planetary guardians assembled on the stairs of the palace, prepared to fight. "This looks dangerous" Pluto stated "if this is our last day alive, I'm glad I got to spend it on the silver millennium" "I think we all agree with that statement" Neptune said, looking into her mirror, worriedly. "The army includes mortals, the four kings of heaven, a sorceress, and-" "and what?" Uranus asked. "The Titans." Neptune said in horror. All of the guardians got wide-eyed except for one, Saturn. She always stayed emotionless in every situation. Never smiled, never cried, just a plain expression across her white face. "I expected that." Her voice remained plain while saying it. "I think we should stop looking in the mirror and start fighting, look" she said pointing her Glaive over the horizon, "here they come"
"Why are you doing this, Kunzite?" Venus yelled, tears in her eyes as she was dogging attacks from her once lover. "This is for the earth kingdom!" He yelled back, missing one of her attacks. "You don't have to do this, Jadeite!" Mars yelled.
"Snap out of it, Nephrite!" Jupiter screamed
"Please stop, Zoisite!" Mercury pleaded
"You're hurting us by doing this!" They yelled
Suddenly the Four Kings stopped attacking, and took the guardians' hands. "We are sorry ladies, but even you know that every dynasty must fall" they said, tears in their eyes. "We know that" Venus said putting her head on Kunzite's chest. "I don't think neither of us can survive any longer" Jadeite added on, wrapping is arms around Mars's waist. "In our next lives" the Four Kings said together "we will meet again and fall in love again" "and once we see each other" the guardians added, "we will kiss" they said as the guardians and four kings of heaven collapsed in each other's arms, dead.
"Your highness!" Uranus said reporting to the queen, "we lost the inner guardians!" "Oh no!" The Queen shouted, tears in her eyes. "Can you and the other outers continue fighting?" "Yes, your highness," Uranus replied. "Then do so, I must prepare for the great sealing"
The four remaining guardians were beginning to get tired, and hoped queen Selene was alright. "World Shaking!" Uranus yelled and a glowing ball shaped like the planet Uranus shook the ground and blew through the troops. "We can't do this for much longer" Pluto said between pants. "We have to keep going for our kingdom!" Saturn shouted, showing actual emotion for the first time. "Silent Glaive surprise!" She shouted and a purple blade cut through the ranks of mortals, killing them. Metalia's gaseous form floated over head, with Beryl hovering Next to her, both laughing. "I'm ready" Selene stated, running down the castle steps, with Luna and Artemis at her side. "Oh great silver Crystal, use your light to seal this evil away in the earth!" She shouted as the legendary silver Crystal sent a beam of pure white light at the evil queen, sealing her back in the underworld. "No!" Beryl shouted sending attacks at the Queen. "Silent Wall!" Saturn yelled and a black wall of energy appeared to protect them, but because Saturn used a lot of her energy to fire the last silent Glaive surprise, the wall wasn't strong enough and the Queen, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto perished. Overcome with rage Saturn ran up with the last energy she had and stabbed Beryl with the Glaive, killing her. Saturn took her Glaive covered with blood and picked up the silver Crystal, walked slowly walked to the chamber of prayer, put the Crystal and the moon stick in their sacred compartments, and walked outside to the fallen kingdoms. Crying, she stood next to the dead queen and whispered "I'm sorry, my queen, I have failed you" and threw down her Silence Glaive, destroying both kingdoms.

Hey guys! Sorry that this was kinda long and boring but it needed a prologue so you can understand some of the later events! I'll post chapter 1 as soon as I can! School sucks.

In the name of the moon (Heroes of Olympus X Sailor Moon) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now