Chapter 3: Secrets

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Percy P.O.V

ugh it was a stressful first year. I just got back to New York from my Collage at Camp Jupiter in California. San Francisco was a nice place, but it can't beat New York. I entered my mom's apartment, it was strange that she wasn't waiting at the front door to greet me. She instead was talking on the phone in a hushed tone- "I see, so its the right time to tell him the truth, then. Good timing too, he should be home from Collage soon. Alright, hopefully I'll see you soon, and be careful, love you, bye." I heard her say. I coughed to tell her I was in the room and it honestly surprised her. "Oh, welcome home Percy!" She smiled. she looked like she was going to say something else but I beat her to it. "Mom, who were you talking to? What are you going to tell me that I didn't know about already?" I ask. She sighed and told me "Percy, you should sit down." I followed her suggestion and sat on the couch. "As you know Percy," she began "you are the half-blood son of Poseidon." "Yeah, and?" I questioned "Well, this is hard to explain... when I was in the hospital, your father was really hoping for an only, but instead what we got was... twins." "Twins?!" I exclaim "You're saying I'm a twin?!" "Yes Percy," she said "Because two half-bloods of Big Three heritage is dangerous, we gave your twin to your grandparents, but when they passed away, I didn't know where she went. I only got in contact with her today." "So that's who you were talking to!" I yell. "yes." she replied. "Why didn't you tell me before?" I ask. "because.." Mom sighed "She's important to the safety of the world."

In the name of the moon (Heroes of Olympus X Sailor Moon) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now