Chapter 15: The Final Battle Part 1: Awakening

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A/N: This is the final battle! Are you guys as excited as I am? All the drama will unfold right here and now. While writing all of this,  I have been listening to La Soldier, (The song used in the AMV above) to get me in the mood for writing something epic. I hope you enjoy!

Mina P.O.V

That encounter with the Roman traitor got me concerned. If these demons are serving someone, and not acting on their own, the world will be in great danger. And the one demigod, Reyna, said that our final battle is coming close, what does that mean? I'm use to fighting criminals and everything, but if this is a war, people might die. I don't want that to happen.  "Hey Mina, are you alright? You seem tense." Amy asked me.  I honestly wasn't alright, but I lied, "No Amy, I'm fine." Amy gave a disapproving smile and went back to talking to her other siblings. She is a child of Athena and was talking to Annabeth, one of the other children of Athena. Lita was talking to Jason, who is also a child of Zeus, and Raye was talking to Frank, who was a child of Ares like her.  A girl with brown hair walked up to me, "Hi, I'm Piper, your cat, Artemis told me you were a child of Aphrodite like me. Nice to meet you, uh.." "My name's Mina, nice to meet you Piper." I smiled. Piper seemed really nice. "Here, I'll show you to the Aphrodite cabin, so you can settle before your big fight." She told me, leading me to a big Blue and pink cabin.  "Hey uh, Piper, do you know anything about this enemy? I asked Saturn- er- Hotaru and she didn't really give me an answer." I asked, I really hoped she knew something. "Sorry Mina, I'm in the Dark about this too. I honestly thought you would know. Since, well, you are a guardian and everything." Piper apologized.  After Piper showed me around the Aphrodite cabin and basically the whole camp, we headed for the dinning hall. Piper told me all about the assigned cabin seating and that I couldn't sit with my friends. That kind of annoyed me. I noticed that Uranus and Neptune, or shall I say Michelle and Amara, weren't too happy about the separation. I saw them reluctantly let go of each other's hand.  I herd from Pluto, or Trista, that the two were in a romantic relationship.  That honestly didn't bother me whatsoever, even though for some people it would have bothered them. Anyway, I felt as though something was off, like evil aura was in the air. Amy, Raye, Lita and the rest must have noticed it too, because we all grabbed our transformation pens and ran up to the entrance of the dinning hall. Sure enough, demons were spawning everywhere. "Girls, let's transform!" I shouted, "VENUS PLANET POWER, MAKE-UP!"

"Let's go guys!" Michelle yelled, NEPTUNE PLANET POWER, MAKE-UP!

All eight of us had transformed and prepared to fight the waves of demons. 9 kids who were probably other Roman traitors were leading the attack. "We got the traitors, you handle the demons!" Percy shouted as he uncapped his pen that changed into a lethal blade. We nodded and began to attack. Mercury led the attack shouting "Aqua shine illusion!" the rest of us joined with our attacks. "Mars flaming mandala!" "Sparkling wide pressure!" "Venus love-me chain!" "SPACE SOAWRD BLASTER!" "SUBMARINE REFLECTION!" "CRONUS TYPHOON!""SILENT GLAIVE SUPRISE!" The demons crumbled to dust easily. As for the Roman traitors, they were taken care of easily. Then something happened, four men came out of thin air. And gods were they handsome.  "You idiots." The one in the center said, most likely referring to the Romans. "You failed us and our kingdom. I told Queen Beryl that recruiting Demigods wasn't a good idea." The four set their gazes upon us. The one in the center, who was most likely the leader, was also the most attractive, in my opinion. I think I was falling in love with him, but I knew he was our enemy. The outfit he was wearing reminded me of the mystery guy from my dream. He couldn't be the same guy, could he? "Hello Sailor Guardians, This will be our first, and last meeting." The man in the center told us. He whispered to his comrades something and forwarded their attacks on the four of us. Me, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter prepared to fight back. But something inside me told me not too, but I knew I had to. The four of us began to fight back. He was really strong, but  I wasn't giving up that easily.

Time Skip to the End of the fight

Fighting was getting more difficult and my breathes were growing shallower.  I wasn't the only one feeling this way, the man I was fighting was also slowing down, but during the  fight, It seemed as though he wasn't as eager to kill me as he once was. "Surrender now guardian, or else." the man threatened between breathes. "Or else what?" I asked, also between breathes. My friends and their opponents also seemed worn out, but Uranus and the others were doing just fine.  I saw the sides around my eyes growing dark. I was dying. My opponent collapsed onto his knees, heavily breathing; but then he stooped. And at the same time, all of my memories came back. My Kingdom, the Silver Millennium, My Princess, Serenity, that I swore to protect until I died, and Queen Beryl and Queen Metalia. And most of all,  I remembered the love of my life, Kunzite. I looked up at my enemy, and he looked back at me. "Venus?" He asked, his voice full of hope. "Kunzite," I responded, smiling a  little.  I felt like I wanted to break down in tears and run into his arms. The two of us crawled to each other and embraced in a hug. "Venus, I'm sorry..." His voice faltered, he must have noticed some of the scrapes on my legs. "Kunzite, it's not your fault," I assured him, moving some of his long white hair out of his face, "It's that evil witch Beryl's fault." And once I said that, The which herself appeared. "Kunzite! Jadeite! Nephrite! Zoisite! What are you doing?" Kunzite and I managed to stand up to face The Dark Queen. "What we are doing, Beryl, is remembering who we are and our true purpose: which is not to serve you!" Beryl looked furious. "You four dare betray me and our Great Ruler?!" "Yes." The Four Kings responded at the same time. "Queen Metalia, our Great Ruler, show the Four Kings what happens to Traitors of our glorious Dark Kingdom!" Beryl screeched as The gaseous form of Pure Evil appeared  in the sky.  The being hissed in evil laughter, "For betraying our Kingdom, my Kings, is Death, which all of you will face today!" Then, a beautiful voice intervened: "No, Metalia, it shall be you who is dying under the light of our glorious moon!"

In the name of the moon (Heroes of Olympus X Sailor Moon) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now