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3rd person P.O.V

Now that the battle against the Dark Kingdom is over, and The Silver Millennium is revived, there is no real problem is there? Yes, there is one problem left, getting Princess Serenity, Prince Endymion, and the Four Kings of Heaven to fit into the modern world.  "Hm, Serenity really isn't a common name, so maybe we could give you a nickname that sounds like Serenity... like.. Serena!" Mina declared. "Serena..." the princess thought out loud, "I like it a lot!" "I do too," Endymion agreed, rapping his arms around his lovers' waist.  "Venus, do you have a nickname like that?" Kunzite asked, rapping his arms around Venus's waist. "No, I was given a new name for my new life. "she laughed. "But I like your name being Venus." He frowned.  Mina giggled, "You can call me Venus when we are in private, but in front of people like my earth father, you have to call me Mina, my new name." He turned Mina around, "Mina... That's a cute name... not as cute as Venus, though," he said as he brought Mina up for a kiss.

Hotaru was outside of the Aphrodite cabin talking to Nico. "So Hotaru, where are you going for the school season?" Nico asked. That question made Hotaru frown. "I have no where to go, I lived in the Underworld, training until this fight for as long as I remember." "What about your Mom?' She shook her head, "Definite No, her and my Step-Father were very abusive. That's why Hades took me away in the first place." Hearing that her mother was abusive made Nico frown. "Well, some people here, like me stay here year-round, so maybe you can make this place your home."  Hotaru looked at Nico for a second, then she said, "Yeah, I think I'd like to have a real family for once." Nico took her hand and the two started sprinting towards the Big House to talk to Chiron.  '

Time Skip!

"We'll miss you guys a lot." Amara, Trista, and Michelle said to the other four. "Hotaru, we herd about your situation, you're welcome to come live with us," Amara offered to the girl. "Thank you for the offer, Amara, but I decided to be a year-round camper like Nico." Hotaru told her. The three other outer guardians nodded. "Take good care of our Prince and Princess, ladies." Trista told the inner guardians.  The five girls laughed, "Yeah we will, girls, no need to worry!" Mina assured the girls.  "I guess this is goodbye for now, sis," Percy said, rubbing his neck. "Yeah, I guess this is goodbye, Bro." Michelle said looking down. "Take good care of my sister, Amara." Amara laughed, "Yeah don't worry Percy, I'll take care of her," she winked. The sun began to set as the eight of the now nine sailor guardians left Camp Half-Blood. "See you next Summer!" Hotaru yelled as the van took the demigods back to their homes.


A/N: How'd you enjoy the story? I sure had fun writing it! If you enjoyed this story so much you want a sequel, vote or comment telling me you want a sequel and I'll have more motivation to write the sequel I have Planed, A Wandering Star, that will include Sailor Galaxia as the main villain and The Sailor Starlights as side characters. I know there weren't many chapters that stared Percy and the demigods of the Argo 2, and I will try to include more chapters with them in the sequel. - SurveyCorpsSoldier

In the name of the moon (Heroes of Olympus X Sailor Moon) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now