Chapter 1: Make-up!

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(Author's note: the guardian's reincarnated names are the same as their English dub names!)
Mina's  P.O.V

"I love you Venus" the man said. I don't know why he calls me Venus, but I like it. I've been having this dream over and over again since I turned 10, and before I turned 10, I had a dream that I was with my best friends, Amy, Raye, and Lita with some blond girl we called "your highness" in an unfamiliar but yet familiar place.But anyway, back to the dream at hand: the man was about to move a strand of hair so I could finally see his face! Then, I hear a familiar voice, "Mina! Time to get up! Today's the last day of school!"  "Dad!" I yelled, waking out of my dream, "you interrupted my dream!"  "Sorry sweetie but I don't want you to be late for the last day of school." He said quietly. "Ok fine. Sorry I yelled at you" I got up and kissed him on the cheek and got ready for school.
"Come on girls we're going to be late!" Shouts Lita as we practically sprint to school. "I've never been late before, and I don't want to start my tardy record today!" Amy panted "But it's the last day of school!" Raye shouts "it doesn't matter!" "Less yelling, more running" I say in between breathes, as we race off to school.
"So we all had the same dreams again, huh," Raye stated as we were walking to the arcade from school, "I think that's kinda weird." "Maybe it's some kind of mystery connection we have!" Lita suggested, smiling. "No," I said "the guys we described are completely different. It can't be a mystery connection."  "Then what is the message of these dreams?" Amy asked, "we all admit to never seeing the guys before, and they call us different names, Mercury for me, Mars for Raye, Jupiter for Lita, and Venus for Mina." That statement honestly made me ponder. He always calls me Venus, but I never hear his name. I couldn't think about that anymore since something caught my attention: some elementary kids were throwing rocks at two very injured cats.  Being the stickler for animals that we are, we scared the bullies off "ahh middle schoolers!" One of the boys screamed when he ran away.
"Aww the poor things" Lita commented.
"Don't worry, nurse Amy to the rescue!" Amy declared. Amy was always ready to help an animal. She always had emergency gauze in her school bag, since she wants to be a veterinarian. I want to be a model, Lita wants to be a Professional basketball player, and Raye wants to be a actress. Anyway, back to the cats. One was black and one was white, and they both had bandages on their foreheads. "Amy, do you think it would be okay to pull off the bandages?" I ask, "yeah I think so," she replies finishing putting gauze on the black cat's stomach. I began to take off the bandage on the white cat while Lita took the bandage off the black cat. They both had crescent moon shaped marks on their foreheads, which was weird, but looked familiar. "I think they'll be okay from here." Amy said getting up. We began to walk away but the cats stopped us.
They seemed to be telling us to follow them. We looked at each other and shrugged, why not. We followed the cats into the ally when the black one spoke, wait what?! "Thank you for helping us. Those neighborhood kids sure are mean!" I was shocked. I know some cats can sound like they are talking, but this one could talk exactly like a human, and her accent reminded me of Mary Poppins. "I am Luna," the black cat introduced herself "and this is Artemis." Artemis nodded his head in hello. "We are glad we found you girls, we've been looking everywhere." Artemis stated. "Why for us?" Lita asked "you'll find out in a moment," Artemis winked "do you have the pens, Luna?" Artemis asked "of course Artemis!" Luna replied. "Here, girls take these pens" she said while handing out specially-colored pens, mine was orange with the girls' symbol on it, Amy got a blue one with a girls' symbol with horns, Lita got a green one with a weird looking four on it, and Raye got a Red one with the boys' symbol on it. "Amy," Luna began, "repeat after me, Mercury planet power, make up!" "Ok." Amy agreed

"Amy, you are the protecter of the planet of water, and guardian of wisdom, Sailor Mercury!" Artemis declared. Amy's face was pure shock, and so was everyone else's.
"Raye" Luna continued, "you say Mars planet power make-up!"
"Ok.." Raye said hesitantly

"Raye, you are the protecter of the planet of fire, and guardian of war, sailor Mars!" Artemis said.
"Woah!" Raye squealed, "red's my favorite color!"
"Lita, say Jupiter planet power, make-up"
"Alright!" Lita yelled

"Lita, you are the protecter of the planet of thunder, and guardian of courage, Sailor Jupiter!" Artemis told her.
"Sweet!" Lita yelled.
"What about me?" I ask
"Don't worry," Luna assured me, "say Venus planet power make-up!"

I felt incredible. That transformation sequence filled me with energy. The next thing I knew I was wearing a dress just like the others were wearing, but orange and yellow. "Mina" Artemis looked at me "you are the protecter of the planet of beauty, and guardian of love, Sailor Venus!" When he said Sailor Venus, it made me ponder, our "sailor" names were the names that those mystery guys called us in our dreams. Maybe those dreams have something to do with these alter egos. "If you haven't  noticed, crime has increased a lot here in New York City," Luna began "and we were hoping that you girls could be an elite force of heroes, with Venus as the leader." "Me?!" I exclaimed. I'm not a responsible person and I'm constantly late for class, how am I the leader of this "elite" force of heroes? "Shouldn't Amy-er Mercury be the leader? She's more responsible then me."   "But Mina" Amy reasoned "you were always the leader of our small group of friends, so it should be right that you're the leader." "We agree." Raye said. "Well," I started, "don't blame me if we do a bad job at this!" We laugh for a second then we realized: how do we change back?

In the name of the moon (Heroes of Olympus X Sailor Moon) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now