Chapter 9: The Romans

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3rd person P.O.V

It wasn't that long until the demigods aboard the Argo 2 arrived at their destination,  Camp Jupiter. Reyna, Frank, and Hazel were waiting up by the Forum. By this time, Amara, Michelle, Trista, and Hotaru had UN-transformed and went down to the camp with the rest of the crew. The Greek demigods walked up to the forum, many legionaries waving and saying hello. Now that the war with Gaia is over, the Romans and Greeks know of each others existence, and Octavian wasn't around to dictate the Romans to attack the Greeks, The two camps were under friendly terms. When the ten walked up to the forum, their Roman comrades were there to greet them.  "Hello Percy, Jason and the rest." Reyna greeted  the demigods. "Hi Nico!" Hazel said, waving her hand. Frank looked over at the guardians and asked "who are you guys?" "Guess it's time for introductions." Percy laughed, "This is Amara, Trista, Michelle, and Hotaru." "Salve amicus"  Hotaru greeted them. "You're a Greek but you speak Latin?" Reyna asked. "Yes," Hotaru answered "I was taught both Greek and Latin to communicate with both groups of Demigods."  Reyna nodded and turned to the others, "So what is this important quest that all of us must go on?" She asked while the group was walking towards the Senate House. "We need to gather the other guardians, defeat the monsters coming forth from the depths of Tartarus and save the world from the evil." Hotaru stated, as if completely obvious. "What kind of evil?" Hazel asked nervously. Hotaru sent her ice-cold stare on to Hazel, "I can tell you this, it is not Cronus, and it is not Gaia, but something much worse."  "Why can't you just tell us?" Percy asked, "You've always been hiding all this guardian stuff from us, Hotaru, why are you being so secretive?" Hotaru just simply stared at him.  Michelle put her hand on Percy's shoulder, "Listen, Percy, it's not Hotaru's fault, We haven't gotten the go-ahead from the gods to reveal everything yet. Please don't be to harsh on her." "Fine, Sorry Hotaru." Percy apologized. Hotaru just nodded. "Anyway..." Piper said, eager to change the subject, "Aren't there four more guardians that you guys need to find? Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter, right?  The four guardians nodded. "Hey Hotaru, Where are they anyway?" Amara asked, "You said the Queen told you." "Yes, the Queen told me," Hotaru began, "The four inner guardians are in middle schoolers living in the Manhattan area." "Wait, if they are located in Manhattan, why didn't we get them first?" Annabeth asked "Because," Hotaru began, "Amara, Michelle, and Trista are awoken, meaning that they remember their past life, like I do, and the Queen told me that the inner guardians aren't awoken." The group sat in the Senate house in awkward silence until something aroused them, a sound of an explosion. 

Sorry that this Part was really long. hope you didn't mind- SurveyCorpsSoldier

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