Chapter 13: Nice to Meet You

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Hotaru P.O.V

After a few days of traveling, we made it to New York. I wanted to begin searching for the other four guardians, but everyone else had other ideas. "Michelle, Mom would love to see you, so how about we go to the apartment!" Percy suggested. "Alright! Amara, you should meet my mom too!" Michelle said, wrapping her arm around Amara's. "Ok. I would love to meet her." Amara agreed. "But guys what about-" I began to say, but I was interrupted. "You guys can do that, There are things I need to get for the ship, so I need to go to Home Depot." Leo added. "Alright Leo, and we'll take the others to camp." Piper agreed. "But the mission-" And I was interrupted again, "Ok team, Let's go!" Jason yelled, and everyone began to walk off in opposite directions.  I stood there for a second and slapped my hand to my face. No one herd me at all. I know my voice is quiet, but I didn't think it was this quiet. Turns out, I wasn't the only one who was annoyed about what the others did, because Nico groaned and also slapped a hand to his face, "I can't believe these idiots." Nico said through his hand. "Hey, Hotaru, maybe we should look for the other guardians ourselves, since no one else finds it a prime priority." That was the best idea I've ever herd. "Yeah we should, since not even the other guardians seem to care, let's start looking."


Me and Nico have searched for at least 2 hours but the only thing we could find concerning the guardians was a Newspaper headline reading: "The Scouts have done it again!" Basically the whole article was about how the Sailor scouts stopped a terrorist attack yesterday around 1:00 in the afternoon. I was about to give up when out of nowhere a Dark Kingdom monster began attacking civilians. I was about to transform but I was stopped by someone yelling, "CRESENT BEAM!" a bright light turned the monster to dust. I looked in the direction of the attack and saw what I hoped I would see, Sailor Venus.  Before I could get her attention, she jumped on the roof and left. I looked at Nico and nodded. I jumped up to the roof to follow her while Nico went back to Camp Half-Blood to tell the others.

Mina P.O.V 

Well, another day saved thanks to Sailor Venus! I normally don't like bragging, but I felt proud of this one. I was walking back from a meeting with the girls when a monster started attacking everyone. Because the other guardians weren't around, I would be doing this by myself.  It was kind of fun doing something myself, but I like working with others. Then all of a sudden I stop, I hear footsteps behind me. Who could it be? I was about to turn around but someone tackled me to the ground, it was the kid in the Roman armor from yesterday. "Die, Foolish meddler!" the boy yelled. He was about to stab me but a voice yelled, "Leave her alone, Proditor. " The boy looked up and glared at whoever was talking. "How do you know I'm a traitor, Puella?" the gladiator asked.  "Because I was there." the voice said. Then, something happened that I didn't expect, the voice yelled, "SATURN PLANET POWER, MAKE-UP!"

I finally looked up at the voice and saw a young girl, maybe 10 or 11, in a scout uniform holding something that looked like a glaive.  Her eyes were cold as ice. I could have sworn I've seen her before, but I can't think of where. The gladiator boy looked terrified, "Y-Y-you..." was the only thing he could stutter out.  "I am the Protector of the Planet of Ruin, and Guardian of Silence, Sailor Saturn!" The girl yelled. "Surrender easy, Proditor, and you won't be injured."  I knew that Proditor means 'Traitor' in Latin, since Luna and Artemis explained that the four of us are actually demigods, and our brains are hardwired for Ancient Greek and Latin, that's why I have dyslexia. "I'll never surrender to you! The Dark Kingdom shall reign!" The boy yelled. Dark Kingdom? Is that where all of these demons are coming from?  The boy summoned one of the demons to attack Sailor Saturn, but in a matter of seconds the demon was destroyed by Saturn's Silent Glaive Surprise attack. The boy screeched, let me go, and vanished into thin air again.  I looked at this new guardian and she looked back at me, giving a half-smile, which surprised me, since she didn't look like the smiling type. But then here face went back into serious mode, "Venus, are you alright?" She asked me, extending her hand. "Yeah, I'm fine." I replied, accepting her hand and I got up off of the concrete roof. A thought soon distracted me, How come I never asked Artemis if there were more guardians?  Before I could answer my own question, Saturn asked, "Venus, I know that you lead a group of other Guardians, do you think I could meet them?" "Yeah, of course!" I replied, "It's only 2:00, I could ask them to meet us in Central Park." She nodded in approval.  "By the way, My real name is Mina, what's yours?" I asked, "My real name is Hotaru, nice to meet you Mina." She responded. "Nice to meet you, Hotaru!"


I contacted the others with the communicator Luna gave us and they said they would be there in a few.  Me and Hotaru sat there in silence, waiting for the others. A thought was tingling in my mind and I finally got the courage to ask her.  "Hotaru, I have a question,"  "Yes, Mina," Hotaru replied, still staring into space. "Well, since you're Sailor Saturn, dose that mean there are Sailors  for Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto?" Hotaru looked at me and responded: "Yes, there are a Sailor Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and they are in New York." "They are?!" I asked, "Do you know them?" She just nodded. Then I heard an all-to familiar voice. "Mina! There you are I was worried about you!" Artemis shouted, running towards us. "Oh Artemis, I'm fine!" I laughed. The others were right behind Artemis.  "So, what was so important that we had to have another meeting, Mina?" Raye asked, she sounded annoyed. "Oh it's super important Raye, guys I want you to meet Hotaru, and she's another guardian! She also knows three other guardian's as well!" Amy, Raye, and Lita were in shock. But Luna and Artemis looked kind of happy. Hotaru smiled at Luna and Artemis and stroked behind their ears. "Hello Luna, Artemis, it's been a while."  I gave Luna and Artemis a confused look. But I couldn't ask them how they knew her because a boy in an old aviator jacket ran up to us. "Hotaru!" he yelled, "Camp Half-Blood is under attack!  It looks like The Four Kings brought a whole army! We need help!" Hotaru nodded. "Can you four come with me, we will need all the help we can get!" We nodded and followed Hotaru and the Mystery boy to the place called Camp Half-Blood.

A/N: Gods was this chapter long. Sorry if it bothered you at all. The final Battle is growing nearer and nearer! Are you as excited as I am? Also, now that this book is kind of coming to an end soon, I was thinking about writing a sequel, but if you guys don't want me to, I won't. Please vote if you want a sequel that will include Sailor Glalxia and the Sailor Starlights.

In the name of the moon (Heroes of Olympus X Sailor Moon) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now