Chapter 17: The Final Battle part 3: A new Transformation

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Hotaru P.O.V

"Goodbye." I had whispered. I had a quick look at my friends before leaping to my death, with Beryl in my hands. I had just landed on the surface of one of the meteors streaking past earth. I was going to miss all of my friends,especially my half-brother, Nico. Over the course of our short travels, we kind of formed a bond. I knew he was probably going to be extremely upset, but its for the best. Once on the meteor, I released the Dark Queen from my death grip, and prepared to end my life. But before I could throw down my glaive, Beryl screeched: "Are you sure you want to end it? You are so young, why would you?" I glared at her. She wasn't going to change my mind about this. "You are evil. I must stop you from harming anyone I care about." Then I did it. I threw down my Glaive.

Nico P.O.V

What the Hades happened? Why is everyone so upset? "Guys, what happened? What is Hotaru doing?" Michelle looked away, crying into Amara's chest. Mina, Amy, Lita, and Raye did the same with the Four Kings of Heaven.  The only one who could look at me was Trista, Sailor Pluto. "Nico..." She began, "Hotaru has the ability to destroy the world, being the goddess of destruction, but with this destruction, it comes with a cost." She choked back a sob, "When Sailor Saturn throws down her glaive with the intent of destruction, she destroys everything, but she also dies in the process." My eyes widened. First, I lost Bianca, my birth sister, and now I lost Hotaru, my half-sister that I have begun to get close to after these few days. This couldn't be happening. Then I herd the sound of an explosion. Then I started to cry, and Trista hugged me to comfort me. "Wait a second," Percy said, his voice sounded distraught. "Did Hotaru just sacrifice herself... for us?"I looked up at him, he looked pretty upset himself. Amara looked back at him and nodded sadly. Them something happened, a bright light made the sky pure white.

Hotaru P.O.V

I thought it was over. I threw down my glaive. I should be dead. But I'm alive? Then a familiar voice spoke to me: "Don't give up yet, Saturn, your friends still need you." It was the Queen. My eyes opened and looked down: I was Naked and floating somewhere in Time/Space. When I looked up, Queen Serenity was looking down at me, smiling. "My Queen, how come I am not dead?" I asked. "Because, It shall be you who saves the world and revives our kingdom."She answered. "Now is the time," She told me, handing me a gem, I recognized it as the Saturn Crystal. "M-my Planetary crystal?" I was confused. I took the Crystal and was dressed in a beautiful black dress. "This will aid you in your new transformation, Princess Saturn, now hurry, the earth is in need of your help. Remember: Eternal." I wasn't able to ask what that meant, but I think I had a good idea. The next thing I knew I was hovering above earth in the same Black dress. My friends were looking up at me with tears in their eyes. "H-hotaru?" Nico asked, his voice cracked mid-sentence. I nodded.  I then turned my attention to my fellow guardians. "It is time for a new transformation, just because Beryl and Metalia are gone, doesn't mean evil is gone." I extended my hand and the other seven planetary crystals appeared and floated to their users. When each guardian touched them, they instantly changed into their princess forms. I floated over to Princess Serenity and asked, "May I see the Silver Crystal for a moment, Your Highness." She nodded and took the Silver Crystal out of the Moon rod. Once I touched it, the crystal changed shape. It would no longer fit into the Moon Stick. The princess held out her hands to hold it. "Eternal" I said, then I held my crystal over my head and shouted: "SATURN ETERNAL, MAKE-UP!"

The others seemed to get my message. "URANUS ETERNAL, MAKE-UP!" "NEPTUNE ETERNAL, MAKE-UP!" "PLUTO ETERNAL, MAKE-UP!" (You get the idea)

We all changed outfits, and the princess wore a similar outfit to ours, but hers had wings. The demons that weren't there before all seemed to pop up now, but we handled them easily.  Princess Serenity, or shall I say Sailor Moon, Finished all of them off with a special attack called "Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!" And with that, the demons were gone. All of us stood there in silence, as we witnessed the Silver Millennium being rebuilt right before our eyes. I could feel when my castle, Titan, was rebuilt. After seeing all of the beautiful planets light up, all of the guardians hugged me. "Hotaru, we thought we lost you." Everyone said when they hugged me. When I finally broke away from them, I saw Nico standing there. I smiled and tackled him into a hug. "Hotaru, I really thought I lost you." He whispered, hugging me like he wasn't going to let go. "Well, you didn't, even though you should have. You should thank Queen Serenity for giving me life again." I replied, smiling. Princess Serenity was smiling, holding Price Endymion's hand. We won. This evil is finally gone. All of us then stared up at the beautiful meteor shower occurring above us.  They falling rocks looked just like Stars. "I remember," The Princess said out loud, "My mother always said that each one of us have a Star burning inside us, and I believe that your star helped you stay alive to help us fight, Saturn." She smiled back at me. Each one of us has a Star.


Well, how'd you enjoy it? This isn't the end-end of this book, I still got a epilogue to write, but other then that, this book is done. The sequel to this, A Wandering Star, Will be coming out shortly after this finishes up. Anyway, did any of you watch Sailor Moon Crystal Season 3 episode 1 yet? If not, you should! I wanted to share this video with you so here: The ending to SMC season 3: Eternal Eternity.

Hope you enjoy! I can't stop listening to it! -SurveyCorpsSoldier

In the name of the moon (Heroes of Olympus X Sailor Moon) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now