Chapter 11: Fighting evil by Moonlight

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AN: I couldn't think of anything interesting to type up concerning the crew of the Argo 2, but I did think of a little side story for Sailor Venus and The Sailor Scouts, so this is happening during the trip back to Manhattan. 

Mina's P.O.V

The world around me was bright white. The only thing I could see were my Best friends in their Super Hero alter-egos. This was a different dream, and I was enjoying something new for a change. The four of us were fighting off some bad guys when some odd force pushed us and the bad guys back. In front of us was a girl, with Long blond hair, in  a uniform similar to ours, but with wings. She looked back at us, but because the light was so bright, I couldn't see her face. Then she turned to the bad guys and said: "I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for love and for justice, I am-" she was interrupted by the sound of Artemis's voice : "Mina, get up, it's 12:00 in the afternoon, and you have a meeting with the other girls at 1!"  "SERIOUSLY!"I screamed. "WHY DOSE EVERYONE INTERRUPT MY DREAMS?!" "Was it the dream with the mysterious hot guy again?" Artemis asked, in a somewhat annoyed tone. "No." I said getting up excitedly, and then I explained him my dream. He looked at me thoughtfully, and then said, "Get dressed, Mina, We have to ask the others if they had a similar dream."  I nodded and prepared for the day.


3rd person P.O.V

It was just around one o'clock when our heroes met up at Crown Game Center. After Mina recounted her dream to the other girls, Lita, Raye,and Amy responded: "I had the same exact dream!" All of the girls just stared at each-other until Amy asked Luna, "Luna, all four of us always had the same dreams at the same time, first the mysterious princess, then really, really, cute mystery guys, and now this mysterious Sailor Guardian. Are they all connected?" Luna thought for a moment, before responding, "It is possible that all of the dreams are related, how long have you had these dreams?" All four girls looked at each other, then breathed, "The one with the mystery princess started when we all met each other- kindergarten- to about third grade." "Then," Raye began, "We had the dreams with the hot mystery guys from third grade up until today." "So this dream with the mystery guardian with wings is a new dream you never had before?" Artemis asked. All four nodded in confirmation. They couldn't think much more on the subject when there was a loud screech.  All four girls plus cats ran outside to see a demon attacking civilians. "Let's go girls!" Mina shouted as the four grabbed their pens.

"Stop right there, demon!" Venus shouted, "I am the protector of the Planet of Beauty, and Guardian of Love, Sailor Venus!" "I am the protector of the Planet of Fire, and Guardian of War, Sailor Mars!" Mars yelled. "I am the protector of the Planet of Water, and Guardian of Wisdom, Sailor Mercury!" Mercury shouted. "I am the protector of the Planet of Thunder, and Guardian of Courage, Sailor Jupiter!" Jupiter shouted. The demon screeched and aimed its attacks on us. "Venus Love-Me Chain!" Venus shouted.  Her chain, usually rapped around her waste, was now a weapon, which wrapped around the demon. "Now! Mars! Jupiter!" "Mars Flaming Mandala!" "Sparkling Wide Pressure!" the demon was now dust. "Uh, guys..." Mercury stuttered, "There's more." The three other scouts turned to where Mercury was looking and noticed a small army of demons charging for them, with a boy in a Roman uniform leading them. The four got into fighting stances, and prepared for battle. "Let's kick their butts." Jupiter said, crackling her knuckles. "You said it, Jupiter." Mars agreed, following Jupiter's example. "Mercury," Venus said, "Give them a bubble spray to confuse them."  Mercury nodded, pressing her earring to activate her VR Visor and shouted "Mercury Bubble Blast!" The spray of bubbles made the battle field a little foggier for the enemy, but the scouts could see just fine. "Jupiter Thunderbolt!" "Mars Fire Ignite!" "Crescent Beam!" The three other guardians shouted. The ranks of demons disintegrated until the only one left was the kid in the Roman soldier getup, and then he began to run away. "Hey you!" Mars shouted, "Get back here!" the kid didn't even look back. The four guardians chased him into an ally where, right before their eyes, he disappeared into the wall.

In the name of the moon (Heroes of Olympus X Sailor Moon) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now