Chapter 10: Here we go again

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Hotaru P.O.V.

While me and Percy were arguing about the secretiveness of the guardians, an explosion went off somewhere in the distance. "That better not be my ship!" Leo yelled as he ran out of the Senate house. The rest of us followed his lead to see the barracks for the Roman Legions destroyed. "What the Hades happened here?" Jason asked. Then I noticed them. "The Dark Kingdom happened that's what." I replied, "Girls we need to transform." My three allies nodded and we took out our pens.

"By the Tiber..." I herd Reyna say. Even the Romans don't know about the Guardians. The four of us left the group with no words, and prepared to fight the Four Kings of the "Dark Kingdom".  When we arrived to the scene, we saw Kunzite trying to persuade the Legionaries to help Their cause, and it looked like some of them bought it. "Stop right now, Kunzite, or I'll blow you to the next galaxy." I shouted. Kunzite and the three others noticed us and began to laugh. "Well, Well, we should have known that you four would show up." Jadeite laughed. "Romans!" Kunzite shouted, "If you wish to join our cause and serve our Great Ruler, then prove your loyalty by aiding us in a battle against the meddling Guardians!" I hoped no one would help them but at least 10 soldiers began to walk towards us with swords raised. Percy and the others ran up to us by this point, "Traitors!" Frank yelled, "Why are you helping the enemy?!" None of the soldiers responded, but instead slashed at Frank, who dodged it. "You focus on fighting the Four Kings," Nico yelled, "We'll focus on fighting the traitors!" I nodded and the four of us began a charge against the Four Kings. Uranus took on Jadeite, Neptune fought Nephrite, Pluto fought Zoisite, and I, Saturn, fought Kunzite. The battle was hard for both sides, and I almost thought we would continue this fight until sunset, but we were interrupted by something, or someone.  "Kunzite!" the voice hissed, "Enough playing, take our new recruits to our base!" "Yes, Queen Beryl!" The Four Kings responded. They signaled the "Recruits" to follow them. The traitors weren't in bad shape, they must have put up a strong fight. Then the group of them vanished into thin air. The Four of us looked back on New Rome, the Barracks were completely destroyed. "Well," Reyna began, "We will begin reconstruction of our Barracks immediately, and the three of us will accompany you on this quest. Those traitors will pay for betraying New Rome."  "Alright!" Leo yelled, "Then we have no time to waste, let's get going!"

Hey guys! how'd you enjoy this chapter? I noticed that this book has a lot of views, Thank you so much for that! Also, I'm on break for this whole week so I'll be updating a lot more often. Bye! - SurveyCorpsSoldier

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