Chapter 7: The Brother

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Michelle P.O.V

It was probably the warmest day of summer yet. I know it just started, but I'm already in relaxation mode. I was outside on my lounge chair by the pool and I was about to close my eyes when I felt someone wrap their arms around me. Amara. I opened my eyes to see her deep blue eyes look back at me. "Michelle, there is someone on the phone for you." I smiled. More likely then not, it was my mother, Sally. I only got in contact with my long lost mother a few days ago, and she was probably calling to continue catching up. "Alright, all get it" I said getting out of her grasp. (AN: Michelle and Amara are in a relationship. Like the manga and JP version of the anime) I walked into our mansion which is actually Amara's vacation home, and got to the phone. "Hello?" I answered. "Hello Michelle, its your mother." "Hi Mom, how are things?" I asked. "Things here are very good. I just called you because I wanted to say that Percy will be in your area in about 4-5 days, he said something about going to Camp Jupiter to pick up some demigod friends and to find people called guardians" Percy knows about Guardians?! That means he must know another Guardian! "Ok, awesome! Is Percy still in New York?" I ask, hoping it's a yes. "Yes but they are just about to leave, should I tell him something?" I thought for a second, and then said, "tell him to meet me at the airport before going to Camp Jupiter."  "Alright sweetie I will, and maybe at some point during  the week we can catch up on things. I can't right now since I'm going to be working at the shop right after I tell Percy your message." She told me. "I would love that, and I have to go too. Love you." Responded. "Love you too, bye." She said as she hung up the phone. I too hung up and turned around to see Amara and Trista standing near the entrance of the room.  "Who was that?" Amara asked, cocking her head to the side. I smiled, "it was my mom, she lives in New York, and she told me some important news." "What kind of important news?" Trista asked. "Ok, so I know I should have told you this before, but I have a brother," "you have a brother?!" The two said at the same time. "Yes," I laughed, "and he's coming to San Francisco to pick up some other demigods at Camp Jupiter. And to find guardians." The room was filled with silence for a minute or two, when Trista finally said, "If your brother knows about guardians, then that means he must know one." "Exactly what I was thinking," I responded. "And maybe this other guardian knows where the other Guardians are!"  "You're right!" Amara shouted, "and then we can fight off this evil!" Ever since we found each other and were awoken as guardians, we've always had to fight off the villains of what we assume to be the Dark Kingdom. And maybe now, when Percy comes to San Francisco, we will finally have some help.

In the name of the moon (Heroes of Olympus X Sailor Moon) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now