Chapter12: Caught

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Michelle P.O.V

Leo said at least one more day until we get to New York. Time sure flies when you're having fun. I love this ship, It has everything you could possibly need, except a pool, of course. You don't know how many times I've praised Leo for how well the ship was built and all of its accommodations. I was looking out the window at the beautiful sunset when someone rapped their arms around me, it was Amara. "The sunset sure is beautiful, isn't it." I commented, leaning into her embrace. "Not a beautiful as you, though." Amara whispered as she grabbed my chin and put her soft lips on mine. I could've sworn I saw the door move, but It must have been the wind.

Percy P.O.V

Oh gods oh gods what the Hades did I just accidentally walk in on. Let me explain: There was a meeting being held in a minute in the dinning hall, and I went to tell Michelle, when I slightly opened the door, I saw her and Amara kissing! Not wanting to bother them, or fully announce my presence, I shut the door very quietly. I walked back to the dinning hall as fast as my legs could carry me. I was trying so hard to erase my mind of what happened, but I couldn't. All I could think was: Why didn't Michelle tell me?  Once I walked into the dinning hall, I tried to act normal. but Annabeth looked right through that mask. "Percy, what's wrong? Where's Michelle?" she asked. "Nothing's wrong, Michelle said she'll be here in a minute." I lied. She looked at me skeptically, she was about to say something to me but Michelle and Amara walked into the room. "Sorry if we held you guys up at all." Michelle apologized.  "You didn't hold up anything Michelle, we were just about to start." Jason assured her.

Time Skip because I said so

After the meeting, I managed to get Michelle alone, this was the perfect time to question her. "Hey Michelle, I have a question for you," I asked nervously. "Yeah Percy?" She responded, smiling. She wasn't going to be smiling for too much longer. "Listen, please don't be mad at me, but when I went to get you for the meeting, I may or may not have saw you and Amara making out..." I trailed off, worried that she was going to slap me or use that Deep Submerge attack on me. But instead of doing any of that, she just took my hand. "Percy,I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about this before, you should be the one mad at me." The smile previously on her face vanished, like the demons she destroys. "I'm not mad at you, I'm just a little surprised." Michelle giggled. "In our past life, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune were lovers, so as you can probably guess, we were naturally attracted to one another..." She trailed off, probably remembering the good times the two had in their pat life. I hugged her. I was kind of nervous that Amara would come out of nowhere and attack me with World Shaking  for  touching Michelle this way, but she didn't. "I don't care who you're with, as long as you're happy." I told her, "And I think Mom would agree." She looked up at me and smiled, "Thanks, Percy." and then she did something I didn't expect: She kissed my cheek. "Goodnight." she said, walking away. "Goodnight." I responded, walking towards my cabin.

In the name of the moon (Heroes of Olympus X Sailor Moon) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now