Chapter 16: The Final Battle Part 2: The Princess

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Mina P.O.V.

 "No, Metalia, it shall be you who is dying under the light of our glorious moon!"

That voice. Was that?... Everyone on the Battlefield turned to see who the owner of the voice was. The owner was a beautiful girl with silver hair that shimmered in the light of the moon, and she wore a beautiful white gown that also shinned like the moon. In her hand was a moon shaped stick with a crystal in it, Next to her was a handsome young man with back hair and eyes the color of the ocean. Those people were Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion.  I, along with my fellow guardians and the Four Kings of Heaven kneeled respectfully at our rulers. The Princess smiled, "Hello everyone, from what I can tell, it has been a long time." The Prince and Princess then set their gaze upon Metalia and Beryl. "An now, Beryl, Metalia, it is time for you to disappear from this beautiful planet forever!" Serenity yelled. From what I remember, this was the first time I have ever seen her look angry. "Now, It's time to seal you for good!" She shouted, "Oh great silver Crystal, symbol of the moon, use your  holy light to seal this evil away in the earth!" A blast of pure light was aimed at The embodiment of evil. "NO! THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN!" Beryl screeched as she sent her demons to Attack the Prince and Princess. All the Guardians and the Four Kings began to fight the demons to protect our rulers.  The fight was going well for us when we herd the final screeches of the evil being. "I... WILL RETURN!" Metalia screamed as she was sealed away in the earth thanks to the Legendary Silver Crystal.  But Beryl was still alive and kicking. "NO! MY QUEEN!" She yelled, 'YOU MELLENIALS WILL PAY FOR THIS!" She bean to preform a spell aimed for Serenity, and Endymion was prepared to protect her, but before Beryl could finish whatever spell she had planned, a glaive rapped around her neck and pulled her close to the holder of the glaive, Sailor Saturn. "I don't think so Beryl." Saturn told her in her usual plain voice.  "I won't allow you to harm anyone, anymore."  Saturn looked at us with a plain face, no emotion, then her voice cracked. "I won't fail anyone anymore, especially you, your highness." Then I noticed something, she was beginning to cry. "No. Hotaru don't do it!" Uranus yelled. "You know what will happen if you do that!" Neptune shouted, she also was beginning to cry. "But I must Neptune, it is the only way," once Hotaru said that, I realized what she was planning. "NO DON'T!" I yelled. But it was no use, her mind was set on it. "Thank you all for caring about me, at least a little, but this is for the safety of the earth."  She looked up, a meteor was flying over head. I almost forgot there was a meteor shower tonight, I was suppose to see it with my dad, I hope he's alright. "Goodbye." Saturn said in almost a whisper as she jumped, with beryl in her grasp, to one of the meteors flying above, saving the earth.  

In the name of the moon (Heroes of Olympus X Sailor Moon) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now