Chapter 4: The girl who brings destruction

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Hotaru P.O.V  

How many years has it been since I've been on the surface? It had to be at least five. My father, Hades, had been training me to be a strong soldier ever since he took me away from my abusing mother and step-father at age 5. He taught me how to control my powers of destruction and how to speak  Greek and Latin, since I would need both to communicate with Demigods of Roman and Greek decent. I remembered everything from my past life, and If she is indeed stirring, I won't let anyone down again, even if it means dying. Father told me to go to Long Island, New York and find Camp Half- Blood, where my sibling, Nico, resides. He also told me to not reveal my power until the time is right, which I kind of understood. I was walking to Long Island beach and  I noticed something, a large hellhound was attacking some kids in orange t-shirts. "Demigods" I muttered to myself and ran to help them. "Boy, this one is nothing like Mrs. O'Leary!" one of the boys shouts, just missing the hound's bite. He must have been 17 or 18 at least. "Hellhound!" I yelled "Do not attack these Demigods!" The dog looked at me and gave a wide-eyed stare, like usual, underworld monsters were afraid of me, since I could instantly destroy them with a flick of a finger. The hound yipped and ran off, terrified. The 3 kids stared at me for a while, until the one boy asked, "Who are you?" " I am Hotaru Tome, and I am looking for Nico di Angelo." I told him. "That would be me," said a boy in an old Aviator jacket, he must have been at least 15, maybe older.  "Nice to meet you Nico," I said extending my hand, "I'm your sister."


"How come Father never told me I had another sister? Nico asked me as we walked towards camp, "I don't know," I lied, the truth is I do know: because I'm the reincarnation of one of the most powerful beings in the universe, and besides, no one is really supposed to know about the guardians yet. "Maybe just to protect you, the less you know, the better." We walked in silence until the girl with blond hair yelled "Chiron! We found a new camper! She says she's a daughter of Hades!" Chiron, the Centaur came practically galloping over to see what the girl was talking about. Another man in a flower Hawaiian T-shirk and kakis came over too. "What are you talking about Annabeth?"  Chiron asked "This girl says she's a daughter of Hades and came here looking for Nico." she answered "A crazed Hellhound was about to attack us but she scared it off!" the other boy told him. When the other man finally came over I looked at him, Dionysus. The look on his face was priceless, but I dared not laugh, but the other boy sure did, "Percy!" Annabeth elbowed him. Me and Nico did not  laugh at the wine god because of his reaction. "Y-You are.." The god stuttered "Yes," I said firmly. Dionysus calmed down and told me "Come with me, we need to talk."


Once we entered The Big House, Dionysus began with "So, you've been reincarnated, Saturn." "Yes I have, Lord Dionysus, and I was sent here to protect Camp Half-Blood, since my father believes this is the first place the Dark Kingdom would strike." "And he's probably right," The god agreed "If Beryl wanted to recruit Demigods for her cause, this would be the first place to look." I nodded in agreement, "But I am not to reveal my true power until that attack occurs." I told him when Chiron walked in, "Hotaru," he asked "How do you know your father is Hades?" "I've met him before, and he claimed me." I responded, "He told me to come here, since it was the safest place for Demigods." Chiron nodded and asked me another question "How did you scare away the hellhound that was attacking Percy, Nico, and Annabeth?" I wasn't sure how to responded to this one, I mean, I am the Deity of Destruction, but I'm not to tell anyone that. I decided to leave a riddle for him, "The Hellhound knows my power and is afraid of me." I answered.  "What kind of power?" he asked nervously, "You will find out soon, Chiron." I answered. The three of us sat in awkward silence until the dinner horn sounded.


The food here was honestly good, I haven't had my old favorite, Pizza, in a while since Hades encouraged healthy food to keep me fit. Me and Nico didn't really talk to each other, which was fine by me. I'm not really the talkative kind of person. Nico was about to say something when there was a huge Roar coming from outside, and I  knew exactly what it was. Everyone was quite, even the Aphrodite kids shut up. Percy, Nico, Annabeth,  three other kids, and I ran over to see what it was. "What the Hades?" Percy whispered. "A demon," I replied.  I remember seeing them in my past life, they were part of Beryl's army. Was now the time? I looked up at the moon, the moon glowed brighter as a yes. I took a step forward, "Everyone stay behind me!" I yelled. More demigods got up to see what was happening, "I've never seen this kind of monster before..." I heard Chiron say. Percy was about to attack him but I put my hand out to stop him, "I got this," I whispered before yelling, "SATURN PLANET POWER, MAKE-UP!"

The demon screeched and began to slowly back away.  I pointed my glaive at the Demon and it shrieked and began to attack me. I dodged its pointless attacks as the Demigods watched in either awe or horror. "Enough playing around," I mentally scolded myself, "Time to kill it before it hurts the others." "Silent Glaive Surprise!" I yelled. a purple blade cut right through the Demon and it denigrated.  What happened next, I didn't expect. "Well, well, if it isn't Sailor Saturn." a familiar voice called, a man appeared out of shimmering light, "Kunzite," I gritted through my teeth, "You were reincarnated too." "Of course I was, who else was going to lead the Four Kings of the Dark Kingdom and serve Queen Beryl and our Great Ruler?" he stated. I glared at him, angrily. "What about the prince?" I asked "and Venus?" "Who are they?" he asked, confused. That's it. the spell from millions of years ago is still controlling his memory, even though he's reincarnated. "You'll find out soon enough Kunzite, now leave." I commanded, pointing my Glaive at where he first appeared. "Fine, but this won't be our last encounter, Saturn." he swore, then he vanished in a bright light.  I stood there for a second, taking in what happened. If Kunzite didn't remember Venus, then that means the other three don't remember Mercury, Mars, or Jupiter. I didn't have much time to think about that when Nico ran up to me. "Hotaru, what was that about? who was he? why did he call you Saturn? what are you-" he shut himself up and stared at my forehead.  I felt it too, the warm feeling of my planetary symbol shocked me. Was there another guardian around?

Hey guys sorry this part was so long. Hope it didn't bother you. If it did, then oh well.

In the name of the moon (Heroes of Olympus X Sailor Moon) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now