Chapter 8: We found them

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Hotaru P.O.V.

After a few days of traveling aboard the Argo 2, we arrived in San Fransisco. I felt excited since I would finale see my old allies again in their reincarnated forms. But one thought worried me, would they distrust or dislike me since I did fail them on that day?  I couldn't come up with an answer since Leo said over the loud speaker: "Thank you for riding aboard the Argo 2, we hoped you enjoyed your flight." Leo was the kind of guy that likes to crack jokes in every possible situation, even when the subject matter is serious, which kind of annoys me. We arrived at the mortal airport that Percy said we would meet his sister, which I felt was time consuming. All of us got off of the flying ship and walked to to the entrance. Then out of nowhere, a group of Dark Kingdom Demons crashed through the windows and began attacking the mortals, who must have thought they were terrorists. I was about to transform when I was interrupted by someone else yelling something : URANUS PLANET POWER MAKE-UP!

There, right before my eyes, were the people we were looking for, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Pluto. I quickly transformed as well. When I looked at my guardian comrades,  they looked back at me and smiled.

Michelle  P.O.V

We were here at the airport in San Fransisco waiting for at least an hour for the massive flying boat filled with Demigods and a guardian ally to appear. Ever since my mother told me about my brother coming to San Fransisco I couldn't contain my excitement, and Amara knew that. The whole time we were waiting by the window, she held my hand. Then out of nowhere, Dark Kingdom Demons crashed through the windows and began attacking mortals. The three of us grabbed the wands that were entrusted to us by the gods and changed into our guardian alter egos, Amara was the reincarnation of Sailor Uranus, Trista was the reincarnation of Sailor Pluto, and I was the reincarnation of Sailor Neptune. We were just about to attack the Demons when we herd "SATURN PLANET POWER,MAKE-UP!"

I couldn't believe it. Right in front of us was a guardian, the  Deity of Destruction,  Sailor Saturn. All three of us looked at her and smiled, and strangely, she smiled back. I remember in our past life, Saturn showed little to no emotion. All four of us nodded in understanding and began to attack the demons, just like old times. "WORLD SHAKING!" Amara yelled, I followed with "DEEP SUBMERGE!" Ranks of the Demons crumbled into dust. A demon fired an energy blast at us, but Saturn intervened yelling "SILENT WALL!"  Trista attacked yelling, "CHRONOS TYPHOON!" Many more demons crumbled.  soon enough, all the Demons were gone, and we were left standing there. The four of us basically stared at each other until some kids who I assumed to be Demigods came running up.  "Sorry Hotaru," the one boy said," We would have helped you guys but there was even more monsters on the other end of the airport."  "It's fine Jason," Saturn responded, "We didn't need help anyway." I smiled slightly, It felt good to have all us outer guardians together again, but I was still concerned about Percy. I was about to speak up about him when Saturn spoke, "Glad to see you three again, my reincarnated name is Hotaru, what's yours?"  "My name's Amara." Amara responded, "My name's Trista," Trista added, "I'm Michelle." I said lastly. Saturn nodded, "This is the crew of the Argo 2: Leo, Piper, Jason, Annabeth, Nico, and Percy." "Percy?" I ask, "Dose your last name happen to be Jackson?" "Yeah.." He said, awkwardly. I smiled, "Nice to meet you, Percy, I'm your sister." He broke into a grin almost immediately. "Nice to finally meet you, sis." I noticed Amara and Trista smile but Percy's friends looked shocked. "Percy!" Annabeth almost screamed, "How come you never told me you had a sister?!" "Sorry, Annabeth," Percy apologized, "I honestly didn't know I had a sister until a couple days ago." "Don't blame Percy, Annabeth," I told her, "He wasn't suppose to know until a time like this." Amara, Trista, and Hotaru nodded in agreement. Nico coughed, "Don't get me wrong, I find family reunions adorable, but shouldn't we get going to Camp Jupiter? We told Reyna we'd be there by today." "You're right, Nico," Jason agreed, "We should get going." All of us nodded in agreement and made our way towards the Argo 2. 

In the name of the moon (Heroes of Olympus X Sailor Moon) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now