Chapter 2: Who is She?

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Kunzite P.O.V
"I love you Kunzite!" The beautiful girl told me. Her beautiful blond bangs were in her face, so I couldn't see what she looked like. I've had this dream for a long time now, and I still don't know who she is. "I will love you forever!" She said. Then my dream ended, when Queen Beryl woke me up. "Get up you lazy clowns!" Beryl yelled. "We have work to do! Collecting energy for our great ruler!" The four of us groaned, "yes, my queen, we know." That's the thing with Beryl, we don't know anything about her or this "great ruler" she talks about. Even though I have committed my life to her cause, I feel iffy. All I want right now is to figure out who that girl in my dream is. "I'm betting you had the same dream again, Kunzite," Jadeite asked me. "Yep," I replied "same girl, same words." "Same with me," Nephrite added "and me," Zoisite chimed in. "After all this time, we still don't know who they are," Jadeite said, "it puzzles me." "Well," I said getting up "we can't think about it now or Beryl will get mad at us." We nodded in agreement and began thinking of a way to get energy to awaken the "great ruler"

I know the chapter was kind of short, but I wanted to add this in. Hope you guys are enjoying the story!

In the name of the moon (Heroes of Olympus X Sailor Moon) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now