check wall

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There are no walls because I just broke the fourth wall and all the walls out there. You should probably check wall.

(I'm sad and desperate please don't judge my writing and stupidity here. Writing makes me happy and expressing what I'm in rn really helps)

Ft. Some grumps (mostly grumps, JUST READ THE THING)

Update: I wrote this almost a month ago and I'm not finishing this. This is just a filler until the new {long} eventful chapter is up.

"Hello everyone! My name is Danny Sexbang and this is my friend Arin! You may recognize us from the game grumps of course, these two so called 'markiplier and jacksepticeye' always reference us in their videos so you should've probably heard of us by now!!!! Anyways, the author didn't invite us to be a part of this fanfiction just so we could promote ourself, we're here to talk about this undying love Mark and jack share that you guys have probably never heard of because the two idiots never told you guys and the author wanted US to introduce them to YOU readers! Oh joy!" Danny and Arin speak towards your screen.

"Now, let us guide you through this amazing scene the author built in a COMPLETELY alternate universe! You know how many people probably think this is real? A surprisingly large number!" They start walking through the large invisible edge screens in a black void.

"Now, you may be asking why this chapter is absolutely sarcastic, it's because deadpool is out and it kinda rubbed off on the author! We're just here to do what they want and we get paid with dank memes!!!" Arin says in a rather sarcastic tone.

"Okay let's get RIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT into the story!" Danny says.

"Wait, I didn't see a keemstar in the script?" Arin questions.

"Just roll with it! Anyways, it all started at indypopcon 2015! You may have though it was pax east 2015 but you are oh so wrong! Even when the guys were drunk the first time they met, they didn't do anything because they've literally known each other for a couple of hours, and that's kind of not how reality works, unfortunately." Danny continues. A small scene of Mark and jack dancing at pax was shown on the screen.

"As you can see, and as you can search it up and see it by yourself, they looked fairly drunk (probably not knowing how stupid they are). BUT... indypopcon 2015 rolled around, and THIS happened" Arin points at the screen showing ANOTHER video of Mark and Jack dancing, but with a Scottish bagpipes player next to them.

"You may be asking, why all the dancing?? Well, that's basically how the relationship started. When the Irishman 'pretended' to make out with the bagpipes player, Mark easily got jealous. This basically lit a flaming love in mark's heart towards Jack" Danny explains while a video of Mark and Jack kissing pops up on screen.

"Surprisingly, Mark and Jack were NOT drunk since literally almost every single fanfiction starts like that. I mean, Mark would've died ages ago and we wouldn't be here doing this for you guys! Anyways, they basically started making out, which we'll be seeing a lot more in this journey! They also do whatever your nasty brains think they would do!" Arin babbles on. A split second scene of them doing the, you know, *coughs* thing pops up on the screen and Arin and Danny start panicking and attempt to cover it. Unfortunately for all of you guys, they managed to skip the scene!

"That was NOT supposed to show up there! Welp, moving ooooooooooon.

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