Family Gathering

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"Are you sure, Mark?" Jack asked, nervously playing with the pocket on his hoodie. 

"Jack, honey," Mark started, gently placing one of his hands over his boyfriend's, "I'm positive that my family will love you."

Jack and Mark were in Cincinnati for one of Mark's Family Reunions. Mark thought this would be a perfect time for his family to meet Jack, for they've been dating for six months and his step mom and mom have been dying to meet his Irish lover. Mark knew his family would like Jack, he was just hoping Jack wouldn't freak out or anything and embarrass himself.

"I don't want to mess up." Jack said, running his free hand through his hair. "There's going to be so many little kids and all the adults." Jack looked at Mark. "I'm not so good around people, Mark..."

"You'll do great!" Mark exclaimed, leaning over the seat and pecking Jack's lips. "They already know we're dating, baby doll." Mark stated. "They'll love you." 

Jack sighed. "Okay..." 

"Awesome!" Mark said. "Let's go!" Mark let go of Jack's hand and opened his car door, Jack mimicking his actions. Mark locked the car and went over to Sean, wrapping his arm around his shoulders. Mark placed a kiss on Jack's cheek, whispering an 'I love you' and hearing Jack giggle. The two walked up the steps to Mark's biological mom's house, Mark opening the door and letting Jack in first. 

Jack almost fainted at the sight before him. Tons of people were crowded in the house, many sitting on couches and chairs in the living room watching a football game. About ten women were in the kitchen preparing food, a few more people being seen out the window in the backyard. Mark came in and closed the door behind him, wrapping an arm around Jack's waist. 

"MARK!" an excited voice said, causing the two men to look in the direction it came from. A girl who looked about thirteen came running towards Mark, him letting go of Jack completely and holding his arms out for her. She bolted into his arms and they hugged, Mark lifting her off the ground a bit and swinging her from side to side. She squealed and laughed, being set down.

"Hey, Zoe!" Mark said, putting her in a headlock and ruffling her hair with his fist. 

"Mark!" Zoe exclaimed, pushing the older man off her. "My mom spent an hour straightening my hair and I don't think she would be happy if you messed it up!" there was sarcasm in her voice as the girl crossed her arms over her chest, Mark mimicking her actions and popping his hip out. Jack couldn't help but giggle.

"Oh hi!" Zoe said, looking behind Mark and seeing Jack. Sean awkwardly waved and mumbled a 'hi', Mark putting a hand on the small of his back.

"Right." Mark said. "Jack, this is Zoe, my niece." Zoe smiled and waved to Jack. "Zoe, this is Jack, my boyfriend." 

"So this is the famous Jack you speak about." Zoe stated. She held out her hand and Jack shook it. "Nice to finally meet you!" Jack smiled and the two released, Jack's stomach still in a knot from his nervousness. 

"Do you want me to get the rest of the kids?" Zoe asked Mark, looking up at him. Jack realized how short she was compared to Mark, 

"Nah." Mark said. "Not yet, anyway. I wanna see Tom, Mom, and Dee first."

"Gotcha." Zoe said, she gave Mark another hug and quickly let go, going over to Jack and hugging him. Jack was surprised at the gesture, but nevertheless, hugged her back and smiled as he did so.

"Nice to meet you, Jack!" she said, pulling away and hurrying off to wherever she was before.

"She's a little ball of sunshine." Mark said, quietly chuckling at the end.

"I can see that." Jack said, laughing. Mark's arm went back around his waist, both of them heading to the kitchen. 

After an hour, Jack had been introduced to everyone in the house. Nonetheless, everyone liked him, the kids mostly. They enjoyed his accent, making him say certain words and laughing at his pronunciation of them. Dinner went fantastic, Mommaplier attempting to teach Jack how to make chicken and dumplings-which was Mark's favorite dish. Mark laughed as he saw Jack's hoodie covered in flour and bits of it in his hair. Now the remaining people left were Mark, Jack, Zoe, and Mommaplier-Tom left early with the other kids while Zoe was staying the night with her grandmother.

Mark and Jack were on the couch, Mark laying on his back with Jack on his chest watching some movie on HBO. Mommaplier and Zoe were in the kitchen, cleaning up the mess that was made while the two men had some down time. They had drove from L.A to the reunion, both of them incredibly tired now.

Jack's ear was pressed against Mark's chest, his heartbeat having a calming effect on the Irishman. Mark's hand slowly slide up Jack's hoodie, resting on the small of his back. Mark's thumb rubbed gentle circles on Sean's skin, Sean smiling in delight. Jack moved his head and placed a gentle kiss on Mark's chest, Mark smiling at him when Jack leaned his head up. Mark gently pressed his lips to Jack's forehead, Jack pulling Mark closer and kissing him on the lips. After a few seconds, they pulled away, Jack nuzzling Mark's nose. 

"You guys are too cute." a voice said. "Seriously, you need to stop. It's disgusting." Mark looked around for the source, Jack just laying his head back on Mark's chest and closing his eyes. 

"Oh, hey, ZoZo." Mark said. Zoe came and sat on the floor in front of the couch, Mark running a hand through her hair. Zoe gently smiled at the two, noticing the small smile planted on Jack's face. 

"Hey, Jack?" Zoe asked after a minute.

"Hm?" Jack asked, opening his eyes groggily. 

"You're from Ireland, right?" Zoe asked, her eyes full of hope.

"Yeah." Jack said, yawning at the end.

"What's it like there?" Zoe asked. Jack chuckled at her curiosity. 

"Very rainy." Jack yawned again, nuzzling further into Mark. Mark continued to rub his thumb in small circles, Jack quietly humming in content.

"Do you know any Irish?" Zoe inquired. Mark chuckled.

"Zoe, baby, he's tired." Mark said, running a hand through Jack's hair. "I'll let you Skype him when we get home, then you can ask him all the questions you want."

Zoe's face lit up with excitement. "Would I bother him?" Zoe asked, her face falling. "I know you're both busy."

"He would be glad to answer your questions." Mark said, placing a kiss on Jack's head. "Wouldn't you, baby boy?"

"Yeah..." Jack mumbled happily, clutching the fabric of Mark's shirt. Zoe smiled and happily skipped away, pressing a kiss to Mark's forehead. Mark chuckled and Zoe went back to the kitchen, Mark laying his head back and looking at the ceiling. 

"I love you." Mark said.

"I love you too, Markimoo."

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