Beach Hangout

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This was supposed to be a normal oneshot but then this happened ^ blame mainlyscreaming and CosmicTsuki
-jeemstar (aka J)
if y'all go to their oneshot books and comment saying septiplierbum sent you, you'll get a blessing from our lord and savior keemstar the memestar and me I guess.

[i would also recommend listening to 'Flying Theme' by 'Luv(sic)Part7' also known as markiplierSINGSbadly on iTunes while reading the last couple of paragraphs, I'll make sure to tell you when with a + sign. I wrote this while listening to it and it really set me in the mood]

Unedited because it's 1 am and duck you I don't care about typos at this point of the night
Update; j has food

Some fanart by the talented Cheapcookie for the chapter :))

UPDATE:Some fanart by the talented Cheapcookie for the chapter :))

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"Morning angel" Mark said as he wrapped his arms around Jack's waist from behind. "Morning babe" Jack replied, still sounding dazed from the small amount of sleep he got last night.

The boys were headed to a weekend getaway by the beach with a bunch of friends, including the game grumps, Felix, Marzia, Ken, and Mary. Everyone was bummed out that Bob and Wade couldn't make it, but Wade was busy and Bob couldn't make it due to the fact that he still has his last class of the summer for law school.

Jack was currently packing some food for the day. He had marshmallows, hot dogs, chocolate, sandwiches, crackers, and various other types of essentials. He placed all of them in the basket and poured himself and Mark a cup of coffee.

He plopped down on the kitchen table, literally. He was sat atop of the table, face into the wood. He groans, making Mark chuckle. "Get energized dude, just because you slept for 4 hours doesn't mean you can't deal with other human beings. Sleep is for the weak, right?" Jack groans again at Mark's phrase. Using his own words against him.

Jack actually got up and hopped off the table, plopping into Mark's lap this time. "Please don't spill the coffee on me like last time" Mark laughed and so did Jack. The greenhaired man kissed Mark and then rested his head on Mark's neck.

"I miss having Matt and Ryan around" Jack said sadly. "I feel you. They wanted to move out and we couldn't really stop them. When they first moved in they said they're staying for a bit and then moving on their own. They just stayed here for a while more because we all really needed time together. They also didn't want to leave me alone, but now I have you and Chica" Mark smiled. Jack kissed Mark's neck and smiled softly.

"Now, drink your coffee and let's get going. We're going to the grump office first to meet up with everyone" Mark says and sips on his cup, flinching at how hot it was. "Do you need ice?" Jack laughs and Mark sticks his tongue out. Jack gives him a sweet kiss trying to cool him down.

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