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Juniper was silent the entire way to my apartment, seemingly lost in her thoughts, holding her wrist near her chest. I should help her with that. "Want me to wrap that for you?" I ask, breaking the silence between us.

"Hmm?" She looks at me and tilts her head in confusion, "Wrap what?"

"Your wrist. Want me to wrap it? Helps it heal faster."

"Oh! Um, sure. Thank you." She smiles to me before returning to the land within her head. She's a person of few words it seems. We walk into my apartment, and Juniper looks around the place, her blue eyes narrowed.

"Anything wrong?" I ask, grabbing an old med-kit from underneath the kitchen sink. It's from pre-peace era, and all the medicine is outmoded, but it'll have to do for now.

"This is your home?" She looks at me in curiosity.

"Yeah. It's not much, but it's better than living on the street." I blow away the layer of dust that collected at the top and open it up, taking out the old wrap. They called it an Ace-Bandage, I think.

"Interesting. I would have thought that you all were somewhat more technically advanced, but then again, you still drive those old metal contraptions, so I can't put it passed you."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh. I'm rambling again aren't I? Sorry." She sits down on the couch and I sit beside her before starting to wrap her wrist.

"No need to apologize. But, I'm curious why you said that."

"About me rambling?"

"No. When you thought we would be more technically advanced. What do you mean by that?"

"Oh. Well, my people seem to be a few years ahead of your development."

"How many exactly?"

"A few hundred." I whistle and finish wrapping her wrist.

"Wow. So you have already taken care of-"

"All the pollution gathered together into a giant toxic fog that circles the planet. We haven't learned to get rid of it, but we learned to live with it." Her eyes shine with pride as she talks about her home planet, as quickly as the pride came it was quickly replaced with a somber expression.

"Wow. Sounds intense." She laughs.

"I wouldn't say 'intense' is the correct terminology for a slow moving blob of toxic gas." I laugh along with her. I guess not.

After chatting with her for a minute or so, my phone scares me. Well, it wasn't actually my phone, but the person who happened to call me at that time. "Excuse me for a moment. "I pull out my phone and answer it, walking out of the room. "Hello?"

"Robert Latsky!" I wince and hold the phone away from my ear as Jerome yells over the receiver.

"Yes?" I ask hesitantly.

"How dare you!" My heart starts racing. How in the world does he know?

"What are you talking about?"

Letters to Nobody ~*Poofless AU*~Where stories live. Discover now