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I jump slightly and the projection disappears. Darn it Rob. At least make a sound when you sneak up on someone!

"N-nothing. Nothing you need to know about," I clear my throat and smile softly.

Rob raises his eyebrow, but doesn't question me further, "Alright. But I should warn you that a friend of mine is coming over, he's pretty mad. The reason I'm not so sure of," Thank the empress he didn't question me further.

"Should I leave?"

"No. It's fine! He probably thinks I stole his sandwich or something."

"Alright?" Why do humans eat sand? It's a stupid thing to do! Don't they know it can kill you?!

"Just stay put and he-" someone pounding on the door interrupts him. Rob says something quietly before jogging over to the door and opening it. Humans are slow. If he was on the home planet, he wouldn't last a minute.

Rob opens the door, and a guy with a fairly large nose bursts through, and goes straight for the refrigerator, muttering to himself.

He returns with a food object in his hand. It was basically an unknown substance that was brown and purple between two slices of bread. Again, humans are strange.

"Rob!" the man yells, taking a bite of the object in his hand, "You took my hat."

Rob sighs, "Did you check the back seat of your car?"

"No!" he takes another bite.

"Check," Rob urges with a small laugh. The man huffs before heading out.

He returns a few moments later, a lightning bolt hat on his head, and mumbles with food still in his mouth, "Thanks Rob."

"For what? The hat, or the sandwich?" THAT IS A SANDWICH?! It's just bread!

"Both. Wanna hang out on Friday? Go get a pizza or something?"


"Cool," he turns to leave, casting a look at me, "Is this a sister you never told me about Rob?"

"Oh June? She's my cousin," Jerome nods slowly and turns his attention back to Rob.

"Alright then. See you later," he walks out of the house and Rob closes the door behind him.

"Sorry about that. He's forgetful."

"Sounds like my brother," I say with a small laugh.

"You have a brother?" he looks at me in confusion.

"Well, had, but um," I clear my throat and shake my head. "Sorry. I was getting off track there."

"What happened to him?" I bite my lip as Rob's expression grows worried. I talk too much....

"Nothing! Nothing happened!"

"Alright," he didn't sound convicted, but then again that should be expected. I'm being very secretive. I'd rather him know very little of what's happening, rather than everything. Him knowing what I do would ultimately make his heart stop from pressure. I'd rather not take the risks.


My gaze flicks back and forth from the hole in the wall, and to my hand. Stunned. Did I seriously just do that?!My mind starts to process through all the possible outcomes of this. Most of which, don't end well for me. A knock at the door alerts me, "Preston? Are you alright? That meeting ended very quickly."

I shake my head and turn away from the hole in the wall, backing up to cover it from Lisa's view. She shouldn't see this. Lisa steps into the room and flashes a smile at me, "Why are you standing over there?" she asks in confusion.

"I can't stand where I want now?" I tease, a small smile on my face. Lisa laughs quietly and shakes her head.

"Fine, fine. I'll admit it. I had that coming. But back to my original question," Her gaze turns serious, "the visit only lasted ten minutes. Is everything alright?" No. I met a member of my own kind, and he wouldn't tell me anything about who I actually am.

"Yeah. I'm fine. He just had me write down the answers to all the questions instead of saying them," I lie surprisingly well. She nods in understanding. Have I lied about this kind of stuff before?

"Alright. I just wanted to make sure," She turns to the door, "and also, Rob won't be here today."

My mood drops completely, "Oh. Do you know why?"

"He called in sick," she shrugs and looks over her shoulder at me, "I thought you would have wanted to know that. You two seem pretty close." I feel my face heat up slightly and she giggles.

"What's so funny?"

"Just ask," she says with a small smile.


"Trust me. When the time is right, don't hesitate to ask. Just do it!" She walks out of the room and closes the door behind her.

Why hello! I didn't see you there!

Anyone who comments on my books ever: Mhn. Right.

Anywho... I am very sorry for the late update.

Procrastination (of course), minor writers block, and a few other things got in the way... Hopefully I'll be back on the updating train.

Also! If you were one of the few who managed to read the previous Ch 8 I miss click published, sorry bout that too. I wasn't thinking while I wrote it... Lol...

If you can't tell, I am very mad at myself currently.



Much Luv,
Mickey-Kenzie ❤️

2017 Mickey is a lot better with her updates, and doesn't take a whole month to do so! #Roasted

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