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I stare at the mirror in front of me, and sigh quietly. I've never liked my reflection. It always seems to show the person I try to hide. A mirror always shows a person's true self. Even the most secluded and seemingly emotionless people can't keep up their act while looking into a mirror. Trust me, many have tried.

The person who stares back at me looks psychotic, evil. Her blonde hair is knotted and messy, her bright green eyes wild. The dress she wore seemed medieval, but was covered with blood. And finally, in her hand was a bloody light blue knife. That's the real Empress. Anaihee, the heartless and psychotic murderer. The only thing that confuses me about it was the fact that she wears a medieval dress. It almost makes me appear to be a nobel from the days of the dual kings. Maybe in a past life...

I shake my head before pulling silk red curtains over the mirror and walking to the door. Today I'll be killing the last descendant of a once powerful line of kings. Prince Woofless, today I, Empress Anaihee, with end your family's rein.

"My empress." My thoughts were interrupted by one of my guards. "Preparations for the execution of Prince Woofless are complete, and he is in the waiting cell."

"Thank you Maifeiertag, You've always been amazing at making sure things are done. Even after the tragic accidents with your siblings, you still stay loyal to me. I have a lot of gratitude towards you." The woman bows her head to me.

"As my father always said, family matters should never intertwine themselves within the field of work." Her voice was calm and steady, and her gaze was filled with determination. She is a lot like her sister really. The only differences are six years of age, six inches of height, and her loyalty to me.

"I am truly sorry about your family though. Your brother passing away, and your sister becoming a savage; it must be challenging. Though, I wouldn't know. I was an only child." This woman's loyalty should go without question. She despises her older sister, and doesn't let the death of a loved one affect her.

"It was in the beginning," she says calmly, "then I started to grow used to the stares. I know I look like my sister, and that's a reality I'm going to have to face for a long time."

"You're a strong solider Maifeiertag." By the end of today, she, and everyone else in the empire will see me at my worst. And by tomorrow, nobody will ever think of going against my word ever again.

"Thank you." She bows her head to me once more before leaving me alone to my thoughts.


I don't remember how we got in here really. One second we were planning, the next we are walking inside of the ship, taking out the guards one by one.
Unsurprisingly, M'ayris has already knocked out at least five guards that were twice her size. How she does it is beyond me. I'm only here to direct everyone on where to go, and to keep Jerome alive. That's all I have to do. I'll leave the fighting to them...

"Benja." I look down to see M'ayris beside me.

"What do you need?"

"Make sure Frags doesn't do anything stupid," she says before walking ahead of me.

"Where are you going?" She looks over her shoulder at my question.

"To visit my baby sister." My eyes widen in surprise. She wants to see her sister?! I thought they've always hated each other!

"She could kill you M'ayris, I wouldn't-"

"I'll be fine Benja." She turns away from me again. "Stop worrying about me, and start worrying about what's more important."

"What are you talking about? You are THE M'ayris. The smallest elite graduate, let alone one of the best there ever was. Do you really think you're not important?"

"Do what you can to protect Frags. He, and Rob are the number one priorities." She starts to walk further away from me.

"Why are you acting so stupid?! Your brother acted the exact same way." My voice trails off when I notice that she isn't listening to me. "Don't die M'ayris. You inspire so many people. Even me." Sighing softly, I turn around and walk back to the group.

"Benja. Where do we go next?" Someone, I don't know who, asks. Like she said, protecting Frags and getting Rob back is a must.

"We need to keep going down this hallway for a little longer, then make a dash for the far left hallway when we reach the main area." I state, taking a deep breath.

"Where'd M'ayris go?" Frags pipes up, looking at me in confusion.

"She went to go scout ahead." Frags nods in understanding, but his face said otherwise. He doesn't believe me...

"Alright. We have no time to-"!Before Vikke could finish speaking, red lights started to flash overhead.

"Intruder alert! All stationed guards please head to the northern entrance! Repeat, all stationed guards head toward the northern wing!" A voice says over an intercom. Northern?! That's all the way across the ship! It's not us, and it can't possibly be M'ayris. Nobody can run that fast, not even her. Unless she has some sort of ability nobody knew about...

"What side did we come in through?" Vikke asks me quickly.

"Southern." My eyes widen. "You don't think there are other people trying to save him do you?"

"Maybe. But we need to hurry while all the guards are preoccupied with that end." Vikke turns to the group. "Let's move out! The guards are all heading toward the north wing!"



Red flashing lights appear overhead and my eyes widen in confusion. Flashing lights?

"We have to go," One of the guards posted just outside my cell says, "Sit tight, and don't try anything funny while we're gone."

"I can barely walk as it is. If I did try to escape, it wouldn't be far." Alright, the part about me being unable to walk was a little exaggerated, but they think I'm no more than a walking corpse. You have to play your part Rob. It's not fair to the other actors if you don't.

The guard huffs before running off, following the others who have already left. What's happening anyways? Are the all the other prisoners rallying or something?

Should I be worried?

Letters to Nobody ~*Poofless AU*~Where stories live. Discover now