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Jerome drops me off at the apartment after a half hour of me directing him where to go. The ironic thing is that he's already been to my house about a hundred times. I think it's all just to annoy me. I thank him before heading up to my apartment and in through the door. Darkness washes over me and I sigh before turning on my phone to check the time.

2:01 a.m.

I'm probably going to be late today, and Lisa's not going to be happy about that. I head directly into my bedroom, change into some pajamas, and climb into my bed. As soon as my head touched the pillow, I was out like a light.
I wake up with a jolt to a dull silence. Nothing was to be heard. Not even the usually honking cars were active. The unnerving feeling I was being watched hung over me like a curtain. Strange. I walk around my dark apartment, trying desperately not to stub my toe on anything. What time is it? 6?

My hand brushes up against a light switch and I tap it, bathing the room in light. I wince quietly from the sudden brightness and walk into my kitchen to check the time.

3:17 a.m.

Wait what? I thought I slept longer than that! My mind wanders as I sit down at my table with a bowl of cereal. Why am I wide awake after only having like an hour of sleep? Once I was done eating, I set the bowl in the sink and look at the time again.

3:17 a.m.

What is going on? Surely I took longer than 30 seconds to eat. My heart starts to race and I pinch my arm to check if I was dreaming or not. I'm definitely not dreaming.

I jump at the sound of someone knocking at my door. My heart starts to race even more, if that is even possible. Who is knocking at my door? I take a deep breath before walking over to the door and opening it hesitantly. Outside, everything seemed to be frozen in time. People frozen in mid-step, trees leaning at an awkward angle due to non-existent wind, and cars stalled in the middle of the road. My eyes cast downwards and spot a pure white piece of paper on the door mat. Curious, I pick up the paper and unfold it. It was a note in very sloppy handwriting.

The world isn't ready. It's only a matter of time. Direct this message to Frags before time runs out!

The rest was a bunch of strange gibberish and symbols. And the weird thing is, they seemed to be moving on the still piece of paper. Confused, I look up from the letter to see the world back to normal. Those who were once frozen in place now walking, cars honking and driving along, and the cold wind biting my bare arms. I bite my lip before walking back into the house and closing the door behind me. My eyes glance over to the clock.

6:00 a.m.


I shake my head before heading over to the other side of the apartment to get ready for the day. The feeling of being watched followed me the entire time.
I walk into the asylum and hang my coat on the rack. "Someone's early today." I look over and smile at Megan, who usually is here to great me in the morning.

"I woke up early and couldn't fall back asleep. Is there a problem?"

"None at all. In fact, it's a blessing. Lisa won't be here until noon and we need someone to wake up Preston," Megan says with another smile. "Would you mind trying to wake him up for me?"

Letters to Nobody ~*Poofless AU*~Where stories live. Discover now