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I take a deep breath before knocking on his door. "Preston, you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Preston mutters as I open the door, looking over at me, "But in all seriousness, is the cape really necessary?" He looks back at his reflection, trying to adjust himself so he could see the cape draped over his shoulders better.

His cape shoulders is identical to mine, but, it looks a lot better on him. It matches his eyes. Smiling at the thought, I walk over and help him adjust it.

"Well first of all," I look over his shoulder into the mirror with him. "it was off center. And secondly, you look great."

"You're just saying that," he mutters, rolling his eyes at me.

"Now why would I lie to you?" I chuckle softly.

"Because I have amnesia and can't remember anything. You can pretty much tell me a straight up lie and I would-" I peck his lips to shut him up.

"If I ever would lie to you, eventually you'd figure out it. It's just who you are." He makes a face at me.

"I guess you're right about that." He look back at the mirror and lets out a soft sigh. "I still can't quite grasp the fact that we're never going to see her again." He's bringing her up again...

"I know." I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. "To be honest, for as serious and cold hearted as she may have seemed, all she ever wanted was for everyone to be safe."

"I know." I feel him rest his head on mine. "But I wish she wasn't so reckless about it."

"You're starting to sound like her," I tease, gently poking his side.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't get used to it."

"I want to keep her dream alive," I state, opening my eyes. Here goes nothing.

"How so?" He looks at me with raised eyebrows.

"She wanted to make sure everyone is safe, lets make that happen." I reach into my pocket and pull out a small round object.

"What are you getting at-" He becomes speechless when he sees the ring in my hand.

"Frags," I begin to speak in Mespelí. "As you probably know by now, I am the heir to the Minecraftian throne. Pretty soon I'm going to be crowned as King, but I can't lead a this rambunctious group of people on my own."

"I-I." Preston takes a deep breath, looking as if he's holding back tears. "I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything just yet. I just want you to know. They say every king needs a queen, but why have a queen when you can have an elite graduate instead." I wink, making him laugh.

"I'm not that special."

"Oh but in the contrary, you're the most incredible person I know." He rolls his eyes again.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say Mr. Woofless."

"That's Mr. Woofless Craft to you." I wrap my arm around his neck and stick out my tongue.

"Oh shut up." He ducks underneath my arm, taking the ring from my other hand and slipping it onto his finger. "Lets get going, I'm sure they're going to question why we're late. And you know how Jerome gets." I laugh at him.

"Right, right. Lets go." I hold out my hand for him, and he intertwines our fingers. Great Notch I love this man....


My mind wanders as I help with the final preparations for the memorial. I didn't know Juniper for very long, but from what I could tell, she was a hero. She deserves so much more than a simple plaque inside some sort of alien concrete, but that's all we can do. At least the plaque was made out of diamond.

"They're almost here!" Vikke calls, looking in from the hallway, "Are we done yet?"

"Are we?" I ask, looking over at Benja.

"Yes. We done," He says with a small smile before repeating himself in his native language. Vikke nods and turns his attention back to the hall.

"Great. You've been doing great you know." Benja blushes slightly at my compliment. He's too cute.

"Thank you," he murmurs, "M'ayris big help." His gaze turned to the plaque, and casts it a sad smile. "It pretty."

"Yeah it is." I stand beside him and wrap and arm around his waist, just as Rob and Preston walk into the room. They make quite the entrance, their capes flying behind them as they walk.

Honestly, I never thought Rob would look good wearing a cape. But then again, my sense of style is terrible. No wonder Benja chose my outfit for me...

Rob was looking around the room, impressed by how much work was accomplished within the short amount of time. As for Preston, I could tell we was holding back tears. I feel bad for him. From what I heard, Juniper was his best friend back in the day.

"It's great." Rob finally speakers up after a few moments of silence. "Simplistic, but it makes a statement. Suits her well." Since when has Rob been so wise?

"You didn't give us much to go off of," Lach mutters with a shrug, "So we looked up her military records and how she did things. As I said earlier, Benja did the designing." Lach repeats what he said in their native language, looking at Benja. Benja flushes at the praise and looks at the ground in embarrassment.

Rob makes a comment in the same language, which makes Benja look up at him and smile brightly. Whatever Rob said, I'm sure it was a good. Even if he isn't exactly like he was when I met him, he's still a kind heart.

"So what took you guys so long?" I ask, raising my eyebrows teasingly, "Doing some questionable things?"

"Sorry Jerome, we aren't ready for children just yet. Unlike you and Benja," Preston states, winking at me. Oi! That Jag! We're going to be good friends later on. That's fact, not opinion.

"Oh, that means war alien boy," I state, a smile growing on my face.

"Technically, the majority of people here are male aliens Mr. Human," Vikke states with a evil smirk, "You should really watch how you phrase your sentences, or you'll end up ALIENated." His smile grows more, making his pun even more cringeworthy.

"Honestly Vikke." Lach lightly hits Vikke's head. "Why do I even let you talk?"

"Because you know I won't shut up," Vikke teases, looking up at him with a cheeky grin. Lach huffs before pushing Vikke's face away.

"Lets get this ceremony over with. We have a deceased ally to honour." Preston speaks up again.

"That's a good idea," Rob says to him with a sad smile before looking around the room and saying something in a different alien language. His voice loud, and clear.

But then again, I know what he said. Vikke translated  the "Minecraftian Honour" speech and wrote it on pieces of paper for everyone who don't speak the ancient language. Even Preston was reading off the paper as Rob spoke.

"Tonight, we honour the sacrifice of a brave woman. An elite, a solider, a friend. She was a hero for many, and..."

Can't believe we've come so far.

You guys are amazing.

Fun Fact: This is my first 30+ chapter book!

Time flies...


<3 ❤️💚💜💗

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