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Do you know those moments when you know, for a fact, that the world is plotting against you? I feel strangely nostalgic because of it. Anaihee is planning something big; something big enough to get this person she was talking about to reveal themself. It's most definitely going to involve me. I can bet my life on it.

A quiet click echoes through the room, signaling that the door was about to be opened. This happens about once a day. Anaihee comes into the room, asks me to join her, and leaves when I refuse. It got old a week ago. Can't she just leave me alone?

"I won't fall for your tricks Anaihee," I mutter, holding back a cough. You can't show you're weak Rob. Then she'll think she's winning...

"My name isn't Anaihee," a woman says in surprise; her voice is familiar. Too familiar...

"Then what is your name?" I snap, turning around to see who it is. In the center of the room stood a young woman who's hair was knotted and covered in dirt, and her clothes weren't in the best shape either. But, the thing that struck me the hardest was her eyes; her eyes were dull, lifeless. Its like all the life was sucked out of her. Is that what Anaihee means by "brake?"

"Lisa." My heart seems to shatter when she says that name. Lisa is here? Does that mean the others are here too?

"Before you ask, I don't know if Preston is safe or not," I admit, letting a small cough break though.

"Oh." She looked slightly downcast. I wouldn't blame her.

"Do you know why you're here?" I ask in attempts to change the subject, smiling encouragingly at her.

"No." She rubs her eyes before looking back at me. "Oh my God, Robert! You're so thin! I know the food they serve isn't that appealing, but-"

"They actually give you food?" My eyes widen in surprise. I guess they aren't complete savages.

"Yeah, two meals a day! Do they give you anything at all?!" Her face was filled with concern before she ran over and grabbed my wrist.

"Once a day I get a wine glass of very sketchy looking water," I mumble with a shrug before scratching my beard.

Lisa nods before reaching into her pocket and placing a piece of bread in my hand. "I was going to save this for later, but you need it more than I do. It is a bit stale, but it's something!" I shouldn't. This is her food.

"I don't need it." My stomach growls in protest, but I ignore it. I can't eat her food.

"You're going to eat the bread Robert." Lisa's eyes narrow. "Don't make me feed you myself."

I bite my lip before letting out a sigh of defeat. "Fine," I mutter plainly before tearing off a small piece.

"Go on." She won't stop until I eat this. Great. I'm probably going to throw it up later today anyways.

After I, slowly, ate the entire piece of bread, Lisa started looking around the room. "This room is pretty small compared to where I've been staying. But then again, I have to sleep with a few hundred other servants." I shake my head, trying to imagine the conditions Lisa lives in. All attempts of this leaves me with yet another headache. After a few moments of silence between us, Lisa is lead away. Once she was gone, I lay down on the rock hard mattress and stare up at the ceiling. At least I know Lisa's still alive.

What is Preston doing right now anyways?


Letters to Nobody ~*Poofless AU*~Where stories live. Discover now