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My skull feels like it's breaking in two as I sit up and look around. Where am I?

I expected to be in a prison cell, or laying on the floor of the empress' court. Not in a rather comfortable bed in your average looking bedroom. It was a little dark, but it was probably because of the drapes in front of the window keeping the light from entering. The walls were blue, and the door had a white trim. It was peaceful in here. So peaceful.

My attention is drawn by someone opening the door and looking inside. My eyes widen when I see Lisa looking at me with relief. "Preston! You're awake! Thank goodness!"

"Yeah," I mumble, rubbing my head, "What happened?"

"You used too much energy in the empress' ship, and passed out."

"How long was I out? Where am I?" Everything's fuzzy....

"You were out for a few days." She walks into the room and sits down on the side of the bed. "Everyone was worried about you." She didn't mention where we are...

"Where's Rob?!" I ask, suddenly remembering what happened.

"Rob's resting right now. He woke up not too long ago. He asked for you." She smiles. "I'm sure you want to see him."

"Why wouldn't I?" I say with a small smile.

"He told me to give you this." She reaches into the bag at her side and pulls out a piece of paper. Confused, I take it from her and unfold it.

"What is it?" I ask, looking at her.

"You'll see." She smiles before standing up and walking towards the door. "Once you're done reading you're free to visit him." Reading? Wait a second... My eyes widen and I look at the paper in my hands.

Dear Preston,

Did you miss me as much as I missed you? Probably not. But then again, you could've gotten close.

Lisa told me that you ransacked my closet and wouldn't stop wearing my clothes. You can keep them. I need new ones anyways...

I was rudely interrupted the last time we spoke, so I thought I might as well write what I wanted to say here. Where I won't be interrupted...

I love you Preston. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I hope you never forget that. There wasn't a single day that I didn't think about you. I didn't give up hope because I knew I was giving up my life to protect you. But in the end, you protected me.

I don't think you realized it yet, but you reversed the effects of what the empress did to me. You saved my life Preston, and I can never thank you enough. I don't know how you did it, and I'd rather not find out again. Just know that you warmed me up when I was frozen in ice.

I said it once, but I'm going to say it again....

I love you,

Smiling, I wipe a tear from my eye. Robert, you've always had a way with words, haven't you? Carefully, I fold the letter back to the way it was when I got it and hold it to my chest. I have to see him.

I stand up shakily, and awkwardly stumble my way to the door. Somehow managing to regain my balance, I walk into the hallway and look around.

Letters to Nobody ~*Poofless AU*~Where stories live. Discover now