Q/A: Answers

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So, because I'm lazy and have a stuttering problem, I'm going to have someone else read the questions. They're a very nic--

M'ayris: Shut up Kenzie. We all know why you wanted me to read these...

I said sorry! ;~;

M'ayris: You of all people should have realized by now that I don't accept apologies. Anyways, these first questions come from Ddddjdncc.

Q-Q all my tears.

Q- The question says is directed towards Preston, but fudge that. Frags, when did you first think you didn't belong on earth?

A- Preston: I don't remember the day quite well, but I had a terrible headache, and this guy who was standing over me told me my name, and that I wasn't human. And I believed him. *thinks* I wonder who he was...


Q- Rob, *cough* Woof *cough*, did you ever think you would be a prince?

A- Rob: Thank you, M'ayris, for stating the obvious. *clears throat* As for your question, no I didn't. I never imagined that I would ever be anything important in life.

Q- Mat, what are your thoughts about everything you've been through? Honestly, I'm quite curious as well.

A- Mat: Well... At first I was surprised, then scared, then worried. Honestly, I think everything that has happened made me more aware of the world beyond those walls.

Good answer Mat.

Q- Stop talking Kenzie. *clears throat* This last one is for Brandon. What made you volunteer?

A- Brandon: Long story short, my mom forced me. I didn't appreciate it at first, but now, I can't thank her enough. *hugs Mat*

These questions are from KitKatlover0130...

Q- Frags, what made you believe you were from a different planet?

A- Preston: Look at my previous answer. *drops a pair of sunglasses dramatically, breaking them accidentally*


Preston: I have no regrets. *laughs*

Q #1- Rob, what made you think about volunteering at the mental hospital?

A #1. Rob: I was just walking down the street, found a "Help Wanted" sign, and the rest is history.

Q #2- This is also for Rob. What did you think when you first met Frags? *pulls Preston over*

A #2- Rob: Well, to be honest, I thought he was intimidating, yet, hot at the same time. *blushes slightly, looking over at Preston*

Preston: D'awe! Of course you thought I was hot! *snaps and a fire appears in his hand* I'm flaming hot~. *fire disappears and he peaks Rob on the lips before hugging him*

M'ayris: I love how you're going to glaze over the fact that he was originally intimidated by him! Frags! Of all people!

Shush M'ayris. The ship is too strongk.

Q- *sighs* Lisa, why did you treat the 21 year old Preston like he was still in kindergarten? *is really confused* What's kindergarten?! *looks at Kenzie for help*

A- Lisa- Well, you see, I originally thought he was like everyone else in the asylum. Crazy. I guess I found out the truth in the hardest way possible....

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