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White flakes of snow start to drift downwards from the sky in great quantities. Frags just stares at it all in awe as I walk him back to the apartment. Very rarely did it ever snow back in the empire...

I pull Frags through the door and lay him down on the couch. As soon as his head couched the arm of the couch, he passed out. At least he didn't knock out while I was helping him up here.

"What happened?" Jerome asks, his eyes going wide.

"He was hit by a dart." I mutter, shaking my head before repeating what I said in Mespelí. Benja stands up immediately and checks Frags' vitals.

"He's pulse seems alright," his hand touches Frags' forehead. "He has a slight fever. It would be wise to let him rest. It was a dart you say?" Benja looks back to me.

"Yes." I pull the small object out of my pocket carefully and hand it it him. He gives me a small smile before looking it over.

"This is a tier one. It'll ware off in an hour or so." I nod and run a hand through my hair.

"We're lucky. From the way he was acting, it seemed like a tier three struck him."

"If that was the case then he'd be dead as if now."

"True." I look back at Frags and sigh.

"But, why would the empress go out of her way to send a bounty hunter to collect him?" Benja's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "She's so caught up in trying to catch Frags..."

"You just answered your own question Benja."


Stop Lisa! You know this is wrong! Why can't you not do this? My heart screams at me, but I can't do anything. Taking a deep breath, I adjust the dart gun on my shoulder before standing. I watch as a woman helps Preston back to the shelter of the apartments, unable to look away. At least I can think for myself.

I stare down at where the two once were, snow quickly covered that area in a thin white blanket. Then again, the building I'm standing on is in the same shape. Sighing, I finally turn away from the apartment building and head toward the stairwell that leads back inside. At least I got to see the outside world one last time. But because of that, the empress knows where Preston is...

A tear rolls down my cheek as I walk down the staircase. The dim lighting, and the steep steps make me wonder how I even managed to be able to climb up here in the first place. Oh yeah. I'm being controlled by somebody else. Is this what it's like to be a video game character? Being unable to control yourself? Having someone control you. Control your fate...

I can't be controlled anymore... No... I won't be...

I close my eyes and clench my fist. My control regaining. Slightly. Just slightly. But that's all I needed to surprise my controller. I'm not your puppet...

More tears fight their way through as I fight my way through their grasp, using all the strength I have to keep myself from moving any farther. I'm nobody's puppet, and the only "Nobody" I know is myself!

The dark force that clung to my heart seemed to be thrown off, and I fall to my knees gasping. The cold darkness was quickly replaced by something more powerful. Hope. Something, I haven't felt in a very long time.

"There is one thing we humans have that you don't." I know she can hear me. "We are strong willed and stubborn. You're just a coward who hides behind magic!" Taking a deep breath, I stand up and lean against the wall for support. "You're a pathetic excuse for a leader Empress Anaihee!"
I finally make it down to the bottom of the stairwell, and look out the small widow of the door. Imperial soldiers stood with their weapons ready. Waiting patiently for me to open the door and welcome death for defying the empire. What they don't know is, I'm not ready to die. Not yet anyways.

Smirking slightly, I turn on my heel and head toward the other door at the bottom of the stairwell. The emergency exit. They don't understand us as well as they think. You can't back all of the human race into a corner and not expect at least one of us to escape. It's just common sense.

As soon as I push the door open, the alarm makes its debut. I look over my shoulder at the staircase before making a mad dash out of the building, a large smile plastered on my face. I'm going to save you. Rob, Preston, and all of your friends.

I promise that.


While Juniper and Benja are busy bickering, the Tv flicks on. Everyone goes quiet and looks at it in confusion. Even Juniper, who's seemed to know everything that's been going on so far. How did the Tv turn itself on?

A young looking woman walks into the picture. Bright blonde hair, glowing green eyes, and a grey dress. The only thing missing from her look was a sign that reads 'I'm not trustworthy'.

Juniper says something in astonishment, her attention fully on the screen in front of her. She said something that started with an "A" sound, but I don't think it's an English word.

"Greetings people of Earth," the woman begins, seemingly looking directly at whomever is watching. Directly at me... Creepy...

"I am Anaihee. Daughter of the late Emperor Wojcik, and empress of the new beginning. The new beginning is a race of humanoid beings that live on a planet within a galaxy thirty four light years away.

"I'm speaking with you because of some issues that happened three human years ago on my home planet. One of my people, an elite, broke into my family's palace and poisoned my father. He escaped with the help of another elite and stole a starship that crashed into this planet. From that moment he, and the other elite have been on the run for long enough." Her eyes kept on flicking to the right as she spoke. She's lying through her teeth.

"I ask you all to remain calm as my army search for these two criminals." The woman was blocked by two photographs.

One was of a guy in a dark grey suit with a black sash over his shoulder. He looked exactly like Preston, the only difference being how serious the other one looked. Preston looks like a goofy child compared to him.

The other was a woman. She wore the same attire as the man, and had the same serious expression on her face. Identical to Juniper. She hasn't changed at all it looks like.

"I look like a killer," a tired voice mumbles from behind me. I look over my shoulder to see Preston looking at the Tv, his demeanor completely different from earlier, "But then again, that's probably their goal."

"If these two aren't found by the 25th of December, we will execute a man by the name of Robert Latsk-" before she could finish, Preston threw the remote at the screen. Breaking the Tv entirely, and most likely leaving a dent in the wall. Rob?

"That's four days from now," Juniper murmurs, looking at the calendar on the wall, "Four days."

"She's gone too far now," Preston mutters, clenching his fists.

"Rob isn't going to die," Juniper says calmly, as if reassuring herself rather than Preston.
Tmw you watch so much anime in the last week that you almost forget the plot line of your own story.... xD




Much Luv,

Letters to Nobody ~*Poofless AU*~Where stories live. Discover now