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The doors open after a few moments, and I'm lead into the room. This is it. This is where I'll be having my final moments. Remember Rob, this is for Preston's safety.

The room was light up beautifully by ten blue chandeliers, the floor was a polished white, most likely Quartz, and on either side of the walk way they made just for me, was a large angry crowd of soldiers. If glares could kill, I would have been gunned down by over a thousand bullets the second I got into this door.

The glares continue as I make my way up to the front of the room, where the Anaihee stood. She was wearing a white dress, her long hair up in some intricate bun looking thing. I don't even know what that is.

"Robert Latsky, today you will be executed for your crimes against the empire," Anaihee states, looking at me with a gleam in her eye, "To make this easy for the both of us, I do wish that you don't struggle. It will only prolong the inevitable."

"Right. It's not like I was going to struggle anyways," I mutter as I am forced to my knees.

"Tell me, dear Prince. Why do you think we killed the majority of you off?"  She looks at me with narrowed eyes.

"You were scared," I say calmly, looking up at her. My fingers curling around the knife handle. Can I really do it?

"No. We weren't scared. You and your idiotic family stood in the way of my family's plans."

"Idiotic or peaceful?" Anaihee glares at me. Definitely got that right.

"Shut it. You should have died with the rest of the royal family! But no, they had to spare you because you were a small child!"

"Tell me, Anaihee, how old are you?"

"What?! Why are you asking such a-"

"Just answer the question. I'm a prince aren't I? I should have some sort of special treatment before my death." She huffs.

"I'm 20 in human years. What does that have to do with anything?" I smirk and chuckle quietly at her answer. She's younger than me.

"I'm 23 in human years. Which means I'm older, and therefore your superior." I stand up and look down at her. "And by the look on your face, you thought I didn't know that." She's stunned. How do I know that? How much do I actually know about royalty?!

"The charge has already been made, and you cannot do anything about it Woofless." Her words were laced with venom yet again. "You will die, and I'll be one step closer to acquiring what is rightfully mine!"

A guard forces me to the ground again, and Anaihee steps forward. Reaching forward, she tightly grips my shoulder with her hand. This is it. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and let my instincts take over.

My hand that held the knife shoots upward, most likely slicing into her arm. She shrieks and let's go, and I open my eyes to see her holding the now bloody wrist. Her glare was venomous. As always.

"You're dead!" She hisses before gripping my shoulder with more force. As she did so, my vision started to get blurry, a cold sensation sweeping my body. It's cold...

Anaihee lets go of me, and I suddenly realize I'm on the ground. Immobilized. Am I dead yet?

"You might be immune to my mind control Woofless, but nobody can resist the death spell. Not even your-"

A woman from outside of my sight shouts in the alien language, which was quickly followed by running footsteps. Anaihee turned to the crowd in confusion, just as a small brunette shoved her to the ground. The two are basically blobs of colour now.


I watched everything unfold in horror. Rob, the knife, him collapsing, and M'ayris shoving the empress away from him. Please don't let it be too late!

"Frags! Get your boyfriend!" M'ayris snaps, looking over at me, "I'll keep her busy."

"R-right!" I feel my face heat up in embarrassment as I run toward Rob. Why didn't I think of that while she was charging?!

I lean down and pick him up bridal style, slightly surprised by how light he was. He's cold. Holding him close, I look over to see the people we were with fighting against the empress' guards. They're all willing to risk their lives for him. Tears well in my eyes as I look down at Rob. He's so cold! Is he dead already?! No! It can't be....

Tears run down my face as I fall to my knees, my arms wrapped tightly around him. "You can't die yet Robert!" I mumble between sobs. "I-I won't let you!" Closing my eyes, I adjust my hold on him and sob into his shoulder.

As I did so, the room started to feel warm. Really warm. But I didn't care. All I care about is Rob being ok... Please.... Let him be ok...

"Frags! Calm down! You're going to cause more harm than good!" A man yells at me, Lach maybe? I don't respond, gripping Rob tighter.

My chest feels like it's being torn apart by a wild animal. No. A whole pack of wild animals are shredding my body from the inside, and I can't stop them.

"Frags!" The heat surrounding me is now unbearable. It's hard to breathe. Rob...

Letters to Nobody ~*Poofless AU*~Where stories live. Discover now