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I sigh and throw a rock at a tree. Might sound a bit violent, but it's the only thing that's entertaining to me right now. It's this, or listening to the old man talk 'bout how great a country America "is", and the war o' '32.

I stop throwing rocks and turn to the old man. He was looking around suspiciously, as if he thinks spies are around every corner. Yes, he talks about that too.

"Boi, yues come 'ere." I sigh before walking over to him.

"What is it?" I ask, crouching down beside him.

"Shh. Listen." I roll my eyes and bite my cheek to keep from snapping at him. This crazy old man is hearing things again. Why do I--

"So you're saying, the prince is immune to the abilities of the empress?" That voice. It sounds a lot like Mat's...

"Yes. The empress' abilities to control and brainwash minds is completely ineffective to the prince. You and me on the other hand are like puppets. That's why we should always be on our guard. Especially you. She can control you just by looking in your general direction."

"Good to know." That is definitely Mat's voice. I look over at the old man and raise an eyebrow. He nods and starts to creep in the direction the voices came from.

Rolling my eyes, I stand up and walk over. The old man looks at me like I was the insane one. I at least have to thank him for bringing me here.

"Mat?" I call as I reach a clearing in the trees. The two people turn around to look at me. One of them was a woman I didn't recognize, and the other was Mat. My heart soared when I saw him.

"Pete!" He shouts before running up and embracing me. Smiling, I hug him tightly.

"Don't scare me like that again," I murmur quietly, holding on to him like it was the last thing I can ever do. He's safe...

"I'm fine Pete." He lets go and looks me in the eyes. The faint purple bruise around his left eye said otherwise.

"Who hurt you? I'll kill them!" I mutter, touching his eye gently.

"Pete I said I'm fine. They had to hurt me for my own protection. It was either that, or end up like that lady." I bite my lip and hold him close again. If that ever happened I don't think I'd be here without him for very long. I was already starting to grow mad, and it has only been a few days.

"Alright yues. Knock it off before I barf." The old man mutters, walking past. I roll my eyes before reluctantly letting go of Mat.

"Let's all go inside before the enemy catches sights of us. We have much to explain." The woman's voice was calm as she waved for everyone to follow her. I look over to Mat for reassurance. He nods and grabs my hand before leading me in the direction the woman went. If Mat thinks she's safe, I'll trust this woman.


I jump at the sound of my door being slammed open. Metal being slammed against metal isn't the most welcoming sound to wake up to. I blink the sleep out of my eyes as Anaihee appears in my field of vision. From what I could see, she was angry. Very angry. And if that much of her rage is visible, it means she's plotting someone's death. Most likely it's going to be mine.

She takes a few deep breaths before looking at me. Her usually bright green eyes are now a dark, dangerous grey as she flashed a death glare toward me.

"You," She finally growls after awhile of glaring at me.

"Yes me," I say in a calm, yet sarcastic manner.

Letters to Nobody ~*Poofless AU*~Where stories live. Discover now