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My head is killing me. I'm surprised that I slept for so long with a headache this bad...

Groaning, I sit up slowly, holding my head like it was my life mission to do so. And right at this moment, it feels like it is. Once I work up enough courage, I finally blink open my eyes and look around.

I was inside of a small room. The room had white walls and a dark grey tile flooring. The only furniture item was the twin sized mattress I was sitting on.  At least it had a quilt and a rock hard pillow to sleep with. Where am I anyways?

My train of thought continues as I stand up and walk around the room; avoiding the door, just incase I get hit by it if someone storms in.

Going back to the layout of the room, there are no windows; no widows to look out to see what time of day it is or anything. Is it even daytime?

After a while of walking around the room, to no avail of finding a suitable exit, I finally give in and sit down on the "bed" with a huff. As if this was well scripted play, the door opens and a woman steps into the room. Her bright green eyes were almost glowing, even in this well lit room.

"Hello Robert," Her voice sounded too formal; fake even. It's the kind of voice that you know, for a fact, is not trust worthy.

"How do you know my name?" I ask, my eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"How could I not? You're Robert Latsky! You live alone in a two room apartment, and spend your free hours volunteering at your local insane asylum!" A plastic smile was planted on her face.

"You're creeping me out."

"Oh, my apologies. I was only saying what I knew about my most favoured guest."

"Guest? That's funny, considering how I got here." Her eyes narrow slightly, but that was her only reaction to my statement. "Who are you anyways?"

She seemed to have been angered slightly by my question in her face, but her voice made no attempts to match. "I am Anaihee Northridge, daughter of the late Emperor Wojcik, and empress of the New Beginning." Her smile returns almost immediately after saying those words. She's an empress?

"Oh," I pause for a moment. "and why am I here?" She giggles at my question.

"You are going to help me catch the man who poisoned my father of course!" She lets out another giggle.

"What if I refuse?" Her gleeful face falters the slightest bit. Only slightly.

"You won't refuse. Trust me dearest; it's for the good of all people that this man is found."

"We'll see, but it'll take a while for you to convince me." I cross my arms and stare back at her defiantly.

"You aren't like the rest of the humans we acquired," she mumbles, pausing before saying the last word, "You're different. Most break almost immediately." Break? Like, loose control of their mind or legitimately break? To be honest, I don't want either of those options...

"I guess some are harder to crack than others," I state, not looking away from her gaze. Don't show how scared you are Rob. Make her frustrated. Make her hate you more.

Letters to Nobody ~*Poofless AU*~Where stories live. Discover now