1-Lucky Number 11

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Please note that this is my first completed works and it isn't perfect. The spelling is terrible and the plot definitely could have used some polishing. I would love to fix it up but there are just too many other things I am working on at the moment (like the spinoff) anyway this story is what it is and I'm sorry if that isn't good enough for you, read at your own risk...


All rights reserved. No part of this book can be reproduced in any form of chapters and characters.

Copyright © 2013 Drops_of_Jessica

& I hope you enjoy it! ♥ :)

"Perhaps that is where our choice lies -- in determining how we will meet the inevitable end of things, and how we will greet each new beginning." ― Elana K. Arnold

Chapter 1

"Claire stop being a lazy ass and help me with boxes!" Dylan said tapping on my window. Ops, I guess I fell asleep on the way here. It turns out that the drive to this dead end in the middle of nowhere town 'Clarity falls' is just a bit farther away then I originally thought.

"Don't talk to your sister that way," my mother called as she carried 2 boxes out of the moving truck. I quickly went to the truck to search for a lighter box before there were only heavy ones left. I ran up the slope and started scaning the clearly printed labels my mom had put on every box. Th two labeled 'blankets' I decied looked like a good place to start, I picked up the two light boxes easily.

"Really, blankets?" Charlie asked me. I nodded smiling. Over the years Charlie had grown fond of my box picking system, and yes I had created a system. Now Let me be perfectly honest with you. New beginnings are kind of getting old for me. Scratch that they were definetly getting old. In the beginning it was fun the new friends, the new scenery, new neighbours and new life was a bit more appealing but when you have reached your 11th new start since you were 6, at the age of 16 you get over it and decide that all you really want is for something to stay the same.

"Race you to the house!" Charlie said as he ran down the slope, we quickly hurried to the door. I looked up at the new house as we ran. Sure I had seen pictures but this was my first time actually seeing it. It was nice but they always were, the blue shuddered white house had a nice porch, something my mom looked for in a house. As well as a two car garage something that my Dad looked for.

"Beat you!" I said as I ran through the door.

"No fair you had the blankets!" Charlie exclaimed setting his boxes down next to the front door. I checked the label on his box for a second feeling as if I truly did have an unfair advantage.

"You had the pillows!" I said laughing at him. He pouted at me and I laughed harder. "Don't be a sore loser," I teased as we headed out for another round of boxes.

Personaly I crave to have even just one real thing remain constant in my life, because the only thing that I don't seem to lose between my countless moves is my family, and let me tell you my older brother Dylan I would not mind losing. And a two car garage and a porch can't define a home to me. I want memories that fill a house and make it a home.

Really I think that Allison Argent should have prepared me better for that. I mean seriously she moves and instantly falls in love with a hot guy, makes friends with the most popular girl in school who manages to be more than just shallow, and a large handful of others friends. Honestly up until her recent status as deceased I was pretty sure her and Scott were going to end up living happily ever after together. Seriously though somebody better fix this and bring that girl back to life! I don't care how they do it but it better happen.

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