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        Hello my name is Claire, what can I get for you?" I asked. Shawn and Jordan had managed to find a new cafe. This one was sea side and a lot more popular though, so we all pitched in and helped them.

        "My usual coffee," Alice said as she set down the menu she had been fiddling with.

        "Can you remind me what that is again?" I said trying to get on her nerves. I could tell it was working too.

        "Just coffee, black," she said narrowing her eyes slightly.

        "And you young man?" I asked turning to the guy who sat across from her. Yes she was on a date, but it wasn't my fault that she chose this place so I obviously was going to tease her a little.

        "A double double, with one of those huge chocolate chip cookies," he said smiling politely. I nodded and then headed to the back.
"What am I making for the couple of the day?" Lucas asked as he helped Shawn with the cooking in the back.

        "Nothing everything they want is at the front counter I just dropped by to say hi," I said and he smiled and gave me a quick peck on the lips before Shawn shoved me out of the kitchen muttering that he needed more reliable employees.

        I then made my way to the front counter. It was an one of those places where you lined up and got what you wanted and then either left or found a seat. But since it was Alice on a date we made them little menus and I got to pretend to be a waitress.

        "What do you want?" Tara asked as I got in her way by the coffee machines.

        "I'm getting our special treatment couple their orders,"  I said as I made the coffees and then grabbed two giant chocolate chip cookie, but I tucked one in the picket of my apron for later.

        "Hey I saw that missy," Tara said but I just sped up and returned to the two of them.

        "Here you go," I said setting their drinks down and then the cookie.

        "Anything else?" I asked.

        "No thank you," Alice said obviously hoping I leave.

        "Are you sure?" I asked as I looked between the two of them.

        "Yes we are," the boy said as he took a sip of his coffee.

        "Are you sure your sure, your sure?" I asked and at this point I could tell I was getting glared at by Alice.

        "Please leave," she said.

        "Of course, you two enjoy your meal," I said and then I went to join Tara in taking orders behind the counter.


        "I can't believe you," Alice said as we walked home. After her and her date had been to the movies she had him drop her off at the cafe so that she could walk home with me.

        "What I think I am perfectly believable," I said trying my best to be inconspicuous. Alice rose an accusatory eyebrow at me and I guess that ment I wasn't doing too good at it.

        "You aren't and you know it," Alice demanded.

        "That's only because you know me too well," I argued.

        "You ladies need a ride?" Lucas asked pulling up beside us.

        "Yes please," Alice said and she got in the back seat knowing I would want to sit in the front.

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