2-Breakfast Hogs

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Chapter 2

Why do people need alarms I would gladly except the consequences of being late. Just let those who need sleep, sleep! I hit the snoze button on my alarm, or at least I tried I ended up hitting my phone off of my bedside table instead. Thank god I owned a case, I was 'too clumsy for my own good,' as my grade 3 gym teacher so kindly put it.

My alarm wailed. It was my second day here and I was already going to school. It was a freaking early school too! Okay it wasn't actually an early school. It stared at 8:30, but I had to be out for the bus at 7:00am apparently that was the only bus in this freaking tiny town!

I am not a morning person and it was as if this town was trying to scare me off. To make it known that it didn't like me as an occupant. Or maybe it felt that this population had one to many and since I was the last here I would be the first to leave. Listen to myself I am not usually like this! I blame mornings! And Teen Wolf when was the next season out again because I don't think I could wait much longer!

"Claire will you shut off your alarm it's getting on my nerves," Dylan called from his bedroom his door facing my door goodness who designed this floor plan? I got out of bed struggling to make my way around the boxes. It's not that I'm uncoordinated it's that I am not quite alive until it's 9:00am earlier than that is just too early.

I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Everyone had a bowl of cereal, but we all ate in different places, Charlie sat at the table, Dylan was stretched out on the couch in the joining family room, Dad stood leaned against the wall, and Mom was eating at the counter. I picked up the cereal box only to find it empty.

"Mom do we have anything else for breakfast?" I asked looking at her. Please say we at least have toast I will eat it plain but I need to eat something because my stomachs growling needs to be stopped!

"No, I am going shopping tonight though any requests?" she asked. Tonight? I will have had lunch by then, I hope. Not to mention I kind of need food, like now! Believe me I might be moody in the mornings but it's ten times worse when I don't have any food in me.

"No but there is no cereal left," I said annoyed. Can this get any worse?

"Dylan, we told you to save some for Claire," my mom called. Of course it's his fault. Unbelievable.

"Really? Sorry I guess I wasn't listening," he was obviously lying what a jerk. I wish karma would hurry up and just get revenge soon.

"Oh why I oughta-" I said as I race to the couch Dylan was so carelessly stretched out on. I would have gotten my revenge too if my dad hadn't caught me in the doorway. He had two sons I don't see why he needed them both.

"I don't think I have ever seen you move so fast in the morning," Dylan said laughing to himself. I reached out wishing I was elasti-woman so that I could reach over and slap that smile off his face.

"Why don't you go over to Sherry's and explain the situation?" Mom asked me kindly. Yeah I am sure the neighbours would appreciate that. I mean they already gave us a weeks supply of lasagna and now I am going to go ask them for more food?

"Wait just like that he's not in any trouble?" I asked her trying to sound upset but the drowsiness lacing my voice didn't make it sound that way. Yet again, curse you mornings.

"What do you want me do? I can't take anything away we don't even have cable or internet yet," mom said ushering me out the door. Yet again the things that come with moving, why do my parents like it so much?

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