15-The after affect

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Chapter 15

When I woke up I couldn't help but wish that I was still in the tent from days earlier. Or that when I walked downstairs I would find Brody running around the house and Lucas humming a tune as he kissed he on the cheek. I could almost hear his voice tell me good morning.

It was time I faced reality Brody had left, and I wouldn't hear his laughter echoing through the hall ways anymore.

And Lucas, well Lucas had made his choice I obviously didn't mean enough to him, and that was his loss! I had taken his words to heart though. It was time I stopped living in fear of when my life would be uprooted and except the fact that life changes. What is meant to be will be and it was time to just live.

"Look Claire there is something we need to talk about," Dylan said from the doorway. I was done with this madness if he wanted to mess up his life that was his problem!

"No Dylan just leave me alone," I said rolling away from him. I expected him to leave he usually didn't like to get involved in my life. In fact he avoided my life at all costs. That is why I was so surprised when I felt the weight on my bed shift and his hand rest on my leg.

"I know that this is hard, but it really isn't his fault," Dylan said. How would he even know? I hadn't spoken to anyone since the argument last night.

"It was his choice," I said as I sat up frustrated.

"No it wasn't," he argued back. I didn't have the patients for this. I thought as I quickly stood up and left the room.

"Listen to me there are things you don't know," Dylan said as he walked along beside me quickly as I made my way to the kitchen.

"I don't want to know them!" I demanded as I grabbed a bowl.

"But you need to know something about Lucas," he said as he grabbed a hold of my wrist.

"I don't want to talk about him. Not now, and not ever," I snapped angrily.

"Fine, but when you change your mind I will be here," Dylan said as he turned and left the kitchen.


"We need to talk," Lucas said as I headed out early to the bus stop we were currently standing on his driveway.

"You said all you need to say," I said turning around.

"You don't understand," he said. Yet he gave me no explanation.

"I don't care anymore, what is there to understand? You chose and it wasn't me," I said furiously.

"This is choosing you!" he demanded which only infuriated me further.

"No it's not! How is this benefiting me?" I said to him. I so badly wanted him to explain to me how he could think he was doing the right thing.

"You don't need to know," he said. I could see his hands shaking.

"Then you don't need to be a part of my life," I said turning and walking away. Not meaning one word as I headed to the bus stop.


I hadn't seen him since.

School was boring. Although he hadn't been on the bus that morning I still had some sick hope he would be there at school.

"What are you looking for?" Kylie asked as she saw my eyes scan the cafe I had told them what had happened between Lucas and I.

Tara elbowed her in the side effectively shutting her up. Then recognition dawned in Kylie's eyes.

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