Chapter 4

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The following morning Taylor was in the kitchen baking some pancakes while humming some kind of tune. All the while she wore a large grin, one that hadn't left her face since last night. She still felt like last night had been a dream, Karlie had been incredibly kind and for the first time she hadn't felt sad because of Harry being gone. It was like Karlie was capable of filling the void harry left behind. They had a great connection and Taylor knew it would lead to an incredible friendship.

Taylor hadn't gone to bed immediately after she got home. Instead, she'd spent hours writing songs because she'd suddenly gotten a lot of inspiration. In the end, she was able to completely finish one song. The lyrics were finished and the basics for the music were there, but she was still going to run the song by one of her friends to make sure it is good. She had fallen asleep behind her piano, too exhausted to keep playing.

Taylor's thoughts drifted off to Karlie once again. She wondered when she would see the girl again, since she already couldn't wait for that to happen. 'I guess I could also just text her' Taylor thought, but was soon hit with a realization.

"Damn it!" Taylor exclaimed. They'd completely forgotten to exchange phone numbers, so Taylor had no way to contact Karlie. Taylor started panicking, thinking they were probably never going to see each other again. Karlie would forget about her and they would never be able to have an awesome friendship and-

Taylor smelled something burning and she quickly looked down. Her pancakes were completely black. 'Great job, Taylor. Nicely done' she thinks to herself. Throwing away the pancakes she decides to try again and this time keep her attention with the food. This doesn't work, however, because soon enough she's thinking about a certain green-eyed model again.

Taylor was trying to think of a way to get Karlie's phone number, maybe she could ask her management to track it down. 'No' Taylor thinks 'they'll never do that'. Maybe she herself could google the girl and find her phone number. 'Yeah, like a famous supermodel would put her phone number online for everyone to see. Think, Taylor, think'. Suddenly she realizes something and doesn't know why she didn't realize it earlier. Lily's friends with Karlie, she'll just call her and ask for Karlie's number.

As fast as she can she runs to the living room to grab her phone. She quickly dials Lily's number and hopes the girl will pick up. Luckily, she only needs to wait a few seconds until her friend answers her phone.

"Hello Taylor," Lily says, "how are you?"

"I'm good, Lily," the singer replies, "you?"

"I'm great, currently in the middle of a shoot," the brunette says.

"If I'm calling at an inconvenient time I will-" Taylor starts, but is interrupted by Lily.

"Don't you dare hang up on me, Swift," Lily says in a stern voice, "I have a break right now and I want to talk to my best friend. So, what do you want?"

"What makes you think I want something?" Taylor asks innocently, "maybe I just want to talk to my best friend too."

"Taylor," Lily says, "we both know that you never call me, except for when you need something. I'm not blaming you or anything. I know you have a busy life, having to balance your job, your friends, your husband, your family and still have time for yourself. But, I have to get back to shooting in 10 minutes so if you need something, you need to say it now."

"Uhm, well..." Taylor starts nervously, "I uh, I wanted to ask you for Karlie's phone number. We forgot to exchange them last night and I really want to meet up with her again."

"Of course I'll give it to you, Tay," Lily says, "no need to be nervous. You two looked real cute together last night, did you know that? You seemed really happy."

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