Chapter 19

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"Taylor, Tree's coming over today," Karlie informs the singer, who is sitting behind her piano.

The last couple of days, Taylor had shown great improvement. She was writing a lot and frequently joined Karlie when she went to the gym. Karlie's method had helped her sort out her mind and all she needed to do now was get it on paper. Once she's done that, she'll be able to recover. That's how it has always worked. That's how it worked with her parents, that's how it worked after every single fight she's ever had. Writing is Taylor's way of keeping her sanity and figuring out what to do next and luckily, once she'd sorted out her thoughts with Karlie, it worked once more.

"I know," Taylor replies and looks up from her paper. "Why was she coming again?"

Karlie sits down on the piano bench, next to Taylor. "To discuss some business stuff and some other things, but I don't know what since she wants to do it in person."

Taylor smiles at Karlie. "I think I can handle that. You'll still be here, right?" Facing something without Karlie isn't even an option right now. She knows she's become very dependent on the model, but she can't bring herself to care. Karlie is her light at the end of the tunnel, her sunshine. With Karlie by her side, Taylor feels like she can face anything that's thrown her way.

"Yeah, I will. I'll still be here for the coming week, after that I need to go to Europe," Karlie says with a bitter voice. She doesn't want to leave Taylor alone, she's worried something will go wrong and she won't be able to fix it. She knows she's become the person Taylor trust most right now, she's the only person the blonde's opened up to. She just hoped that with her gone she'll be okay.

"Stop worrying, Karlie. I'll still have Sel, Lily, Gigi, Emma. I'll be fine, I promise," Taylor caresses Karlie's face slightly before dropping her hand, cheeks tinted red.

"You will call every day, right?"

"Of course, sunshine."

It had been a long time since Karlie had heard that nickname and hearing it again felt amazing. Her signature grin spreads across her face and she hugs Taylor tightly. "You called me sunshine."

"I did," Taylor chuckles.

The doorbell rings and Karlie stands up, saying she'll get it. She opens the door and is faced with Tree. The woman who had kept her away from Taylor, the woman who didn't seem to like her even a little. She desperately hopes the women likes her a bit more now, because she helped Taylor. She doesn't think she can sit through Tree's straight up rude and condescending behavior one more time.

"Karlie," Tree says curtly and pushes past the model in a hurry. So much for a different Tree.

She leads Tree to the couch where Taylor is already situated. The publicist practically runs towards Taylor once she sees her and embraces her tightly. The love and care Tree has for Taylor is incredibly obvious and Karlie finds herself liking the publicist a bit more. Just a little bit.

"I was so worried about you," Tree says once she breaks away from the hug. She looks as if she's searching Taylor for any indication the singer isn't okay, but there is none to be found.

"I'm okay Tree, I promise. Thanks to Karlie." Karlie shies away from Tree's gaze and focusses her attention on her hands instead. She doesn't feel like she should get all of the praise because Taylor had done a lot of it herself. She is the one who gathered herself together after breaking down. Taylor is the one who decides to get up every morning to try and heal herself. That's all Taylor.

Karlie is surprised when she feels arms wrap themselves around her body. "Thank you," she hears Tree whisper. It's probably the nicest thing Tree's ever said about her and she can't help but smile.

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